Chapter 31 - " You must be Emma. "

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I groaned out in pain, rolling around my neck attempt to relive the pain coming from it. My vision came out as blurry, not allowing me to see the unfamiliar room around me. My memories had come running back to me, I widened my eyes in fright, attempting to lift my hand thats were tied behind my back and linked to the chair I was sitting on. I cried out in pain at the tightened rope wrapping around my wrist, they were digging into my skin so tight that I swear there will be marks left. I froze at the sound of footsteps, the sound of shoes clanking against the floor with every step. I lowered my head, letting my long hair cover my view of the door. I flinched at the sound of the door, scraping against the ground and footsteps enter. The sight of the necklace hanging from my neck took me out of my frightened state. " Your Emma Yeager right? " I debated to even open my mouth, I didn't know who these people were, knowing that just freaks me the hell out. " We know your awake princess. "  I almost gagged at that nickname, shit, they knew I was awake though. I gulped before hesitatingly opening my mouth. " Yes. " I closed my eyes tightly, my body freezing, I listened to the almost silent taps of the male's footsteps heading towards me. 

I squirmed away from the man's grip, he had taken a grip onto my chin. Forcing me to look at him. " What are you? " I froze in fright at the man standing in front of me, Zeke Yeager. " I don't know what you're talking about. " He continued to study my face, at the same time I studied his, he looked nothing like dad, nothing. I struggled to move my head away, I shook my head back and forth, growling out in frustration. " Let go! " I started kicking my legs, it took me a minute before biting down on his hand. He yelled out in pain and stumbled back, he took a big glare at me and looked down at his now bleeding hand. " Get her to Denise. " He growled out, I widened my eyes at the two men walking my way. 

" Stay away! " I continued to kick my legs and rock my chair back and forth. " Step back! Ow, that hurts! " I continued to squirm, one of the guys lifting me out of the chair and taking a grip on in my tied hands. I took this as the right moment to finally be free. I breathed out, Eren's words echoing into my brain, god I missed Eren. " If you win, you live, if you lose you die, if you don't fight you can't win. "  Guess I have to fight, I lifted my leg and stomped down on the nearest guys leg. He cried out in pain and let go of my hands. I turned around and kicked the other guy where the sun doesn't shine. I smirked and went running towards the door, well more like waddling due to my hands tied behind my back. It took me a minute or two to actually loosen my rope and open the door. I grunted, pulling my hands from rope and stumbling out of the door. I yelled out in happiness, finally getting my hands free and now running down the hallway. The place I was in was so dark, it looked as if there was no outside light gleaming into the place. 

" There she is! " I whipped my head around in fright, I haven't trained in a while. I haven't actually fought anyone in awhile but now was the time I thought back to the days of the Cadet Corps. Being number one in the training corps had to mean something, I was strong for a reason. Within seconds I had formed my hands into fists, I had remembered to stand in the right fighting stance. I remembered all the fighting Annie taught me. Once the guys had surrounded me I began throwing my punches.   I turned to the side, using my leg to trip one of the guys. I twisted my back and threw another punch. Ducking when he attempted to throw his own punch. I gasped out in pain, my head pulled back to the point I was starring up at the ceiling, A fist full of my hair was taken into someone's hand, having your hair pulled felt absolutely awful. 

It felt like I was getting all my hair pulled out of my scalp at the same time. " Keep fighting and your making it more difficult for yourself. " I growled out, Zeke had appeared again, a fist full of my hair in his hand. He had escorted me towards more doors, inside the last door we walked in was a science lab. It reminded me of Hanije's lab, just without the excited yelling and often harassment I get from her, I missed Hanije, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Conny, Floch, Levi, and even that horse face Jean. A girl, the first female I had seen in this hellhole had turned around from her desk chair, she pushed up her round glasses and smiled at me. " You must be Emma. " 

That's the end of this chapter! Hope you're in for a ride because I'm sure gonna give you one! 
Bye my unicorns XOXO 

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