Chapter 28 - I really am normal.

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Being in the infirmary didn't last long, I was already out and about, well kinda. I was still wincing as I walked around the base. I managed to hurt my leg and even then it seemed like it wouldn't heal any time soon. I really was losing my so-called power, I was gonna be normal Emma again. Hanije even said she'd run some test after she's done with some of her paperwork. How the hell would she even run the test? The titan serum quickly evaporates when getting exposed to air, even if she runs test she might come out with absolutely nothing. Perhaps I just wasn't meant to be special. I turned the corner of the hallway and breathed out sadly. Before I could take another step I reached my hand up to my nose where blood leaked down, it reminded me when Eren's nose started to bleed because he turned too many times. When did I ever get nose bleeds, I never got one from what I could remember. I had made my way to my room to fix up my now leaking nose. 

I entered my room and quickly went to my bathroom. I took a small amount of toilet paper and sat on my bed. I soon started fixing up my bleeding nose and sighed, I really did feel weak. I kept having the feeling that the room around me was spinning. A small knock had snapped me out of my dazed state and focus on the door, well as much as I could. " Come in. " I continued to dab the bloody tissue of my nose before it had finally stopped. " Tch, Shitty glasses is ready for you. "  I looked up at Levi and giggled, his eyes fixed on my face and frowned. " Your bleeding? " I shrugged and dropped the tissue beside me, resting my hands on both sides of my body and leaning back. " I guess we should go then. " I threw the tissue away in the trash before getting up and Leaving the room. I trailed behind Levi to Hanije's lab. Inside Hanije was furrowing around with some papers then running to the other side of the room to a set of graduated cylinders. 

" Ah Emma your here, Levi you can leave now. " Hanije smiled sweetly at Levi before shoving him out of the room. Levi protested and yelled at her as she shut the door on his face. " Oui! Shitty Glasses! You better now kill my cadet! " Hanije laughed then led me over to a chair by her set of chemistry mixtures. " Sit down and relax. " She patted my shoulder before disappearing behind a bookshelf. I heard shuffles and clanks of stuff as she appeared again. In her hands held a needle and tube to take blood, a knife, and several other stuff. " We're gonna take your blood first. " I hesitated before nodding, what if she really didn't find anything?

She had cleaned off my arm and cleaned the supplies she had. " Relax. " She noticed my tense state and smiled at me. A small flinch had left my body once she stuck the needle in my arm. I had tried to relax my body but the uncomfortableness hasn't left my body. " Are you okay, you're looking a little pale? " She examined my face, did I really? I haven't looked in a mirror in quite awhile. " I had a nose bleed before Levi came to get me and I was feeling a little dizzy. " A small hm left her mouth, in the process she had continued to fiddle with her mixtures of chemicals. 

" I really am normal, aren't I? " She glanced at me from the corner of her eye and smiled. " There's nothing wrong with being normal, quite frankly all of us aren't normal, we all have something different that makes us unique. Like your eyes. " I had thought about that for a minute. My eyes were just eyes, even if they were both different colors it doesn't mean I'm not like every other human. " Okay, we're done with that. " She had taken the needle out of my arm and set the tube of blood aside by her group of chemicals " One more test, give me your hand. "

I had looked up at her with widened eyes and she pulled out her knife. " Uh, I don't think so. " She smiled at me and yanked my hand towards her. " Brace yourself. " She had applied the sharp knife to my hand, the impact making me flinch at the contact, she opened a small slit of skin. Blood had leaked out of the small cut and fallen to the wood floor of her strange science lab. She continued to examine my stinging and bloody hand before writing on her clipboard and setting it aside. " Okay we're done here, let's get you cleaned up. " She had cleaned up all the blood and applied cleaner to my hand, wrapping it with gauze then pushing me out of the room while she continued her 'science experiment'. 

I had shaken my head and made it back to my room, I was quite dizzy due to the blood loss. I had to hold on to the wall and let the wall guide my way to my room. Once making it inside I had laid on my bed and rested my head. Perhaps, I was just as normal as everyone else. 

That's the end hope you all liked it! 
Bye my unicorns XOXO

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