Chapter 17 - Battle of Shiganshina

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Emma's pov 

" I know I gave orders to your squads but you're staying here Levi. "  I looked over my shoulder at Levi , Erwin and Armin but yet the Armoured Titan was closing in. " Wait for an opening to kill that thing , your the only one I can trust to kill the Beast Titan. " Levi caught my stare before mouthing. " Be careful. " I nodded with smiled as I seen him jump off the wall towards the horses. All of us made it inside the walls in one area right when Eren turned into a titan. Which caught Reiner off guard who was in fact right on top of the walls. Once Reiner took the bait it was time for the plan to take action , Eren stood as the bait to real in the Armoured Titan as we all stood by idle. Soon enough Eren and Reiner were fighting , this time Eren used his hardening ability which was way more useful against Reiner's armor. All of us stood by , awaiting for the signal to use the thunder spears. The spears that would help us take down Reiner. Once Reiner was distracted by Eren , us two squads surrounded the two fighting titans. Right when Eren moved away from Reiner , giving us a perfect opportunity to hit him with the Thunder Spears. Both Mikasa and I aimed the Thunder Spears right threw Reiner's eyes. Right at the perfect time they exploded in unison. The bright explosion went off , stunning the Armoured Titan and blowing out his eyesight. Right when it was buys with his eyes , everyone else surrounded him and shot more Thunder Spears towards his nape. Blowing it up in seconds. 

Everyone stood back and watched the humongous explosion , w all watched in amazement. "We did it! " Jean yelled , the armor around his nape was all gone this time it actually being just the skin. " Fire the Thunder Spears and finish him off! " Hanije had said , right on that command  everyone who had the remaining Thunder Spears sent them off right back on Reiner's nape. Right when the smoke cleared everyone was stunned to find the top of Reiner's head was blown off. Almost everyone cheered at the sight but yet everything felt like it was just getting started , the beginning felt too easy. " Hey , it moved. " Both Armin and I looked at the weakened titan right before it let out a huge roar and moved yet again. " Dammit did we not use enough spears!" The roar seemed very , staged. " NO , everyone get away from Reiner! " Armin yelled , in seconds all of us used are maneuvering gear to get away from Reiner and Bertholdt who was in fact inside of the barrel that came flying from over the wall. We all stopped on houses to find Bertholdt stopped on Reiner's blown up body. " Target approaching from the front. " I looked at the small figure to find it as Bertholdt. " Squad Levi , follow Armin's command! Protect Eren. "

" Please wait! This is are last chance to negotiate! "  Armin stopped everyone in their spots , making Bertholdt stop on the tower of a house. " Bertholdt , let's talk! " It took a minute before Bertholdt decided to answer back.  " If we talk , will you all agree to die? We only have two demands , we want you to give us  Eren and Emma and we want all of humanity inside the walls to be wiped out! " I used my maneuvering gear to land on top of Eren's shoulder. He used his titan form to turn his head and look at me. I smiled worryingly at him before we turned back to Bertholdt. " Your lives are coming to an end , right here! " What the hell was wrong with Bertholdt , before him and Reiner were so nice it , it all just hurt. " Oh that's too bad! I was hoping that I wouldn't have to hear Annie's shrieks any longer! " I gasped and looked at Armin.
" What the hell are you doing! "He gave me the look that read 'go along with it' 

Bertholdt went up to Armin , they seemed to have a threatening conservation some of the words I could pick up but yet had not enough to make up a right sentence. It took seconds before Mikasa ran up and attempted to slash Bertholdt. I tried holding her back but yet I didn't have the strength and ended up tumbling off Eren. Eren quickly caught me in the palm of his giant titan hand right , his titan formed smiled then he cupped me in his hand. His titan seemed to be protecting me from the fight that came across , Armin , Mikasa and Bertholdt. Bertholdt manage to get away from the two before taking a run towards Reiner. I couldn't exactly see what was happening since Eren's huge hand was blocking my vision. After a few minutes a bright yellow light was shown threw out the walls. The steam pushed us back , I could feel Eren's titan get pushed back as well. I couldn't tell what was going since Eren cupped me in both his hands which meant  I was stuck in a small space in slight darkness. I could hear the sound of rough flying wind , and the huge sound of debris hitting the floor. " Are you still alive! " I heard from outside Eren's hand. " Yeah , yeah I'm fine but where's Emma! " I heard Connie yell. 

" I'm in here guys! " Eren moved his top hand away as I looked up at the three scouts. " Thanks Eren. " I looked up at him and smiled. " Now lets go kill they fuckers. "

That's the end hope you all liked it!
Bye my Unicorns XOXO

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