Chapter 30 - We shouldn't have left

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I fiddled with the necklace hanging on a small hook, Levi and I decided to walk around Wall Sina. We had decided to leave the base for the day, it was beginning to get boring around there. " You like that one? " I glanced at Levi and back at the necklace, it was a small necklace with a bird on it. The bird was beautiful, it had it's wing's spread as if it was flying. To me, the bird represented freedom, it's wings spread as it flown threw the wind. A small smile had placed itself on my face, I nodded my head. " Mh hm, it's pretty. " Levi had pulled a small bag of money out of his pocket. " Get it. " I looked over at him with widened eyes, wow, he didn't have to do that. " Oh! No! You don-. " He rolled his eyes and taken my hand in his, snatching the necklace off the hook in the process. " Levi~ " I wined out, he always tried to spoil me, it was cute but I really didn't need all the gifts. I had seen the price on the necklace before he went to pay for it, it was pretty expensive. " Turn. " He held out the necklace, I rolled my eyes and lifted up my brown hair. 

" Heh, Levi I think you need to grow in order to reach my neck. " I could hear Levi click his tongue as he clipped the necklace around my neck. " Keep acting like a little brat and your walking back to the base by yourself. " I giggled out and turned back around, flashing him a smile in the process. " You wouldn't, you love me too much. " Levi just rolled his eyes and hummed a small mh. We walked side by side as we exited the shop, the streets seemed to get quieter, fewer people were roaming the streets and it seemed some of the vendors on the side of the roads were closed. " Is something happening? " I glanced around the roads, more people had begun to run inside shops and disappear completely from the outside. 

Levi had turned around to watch the now empty streets, the sight of an unfamiliar person. Flying through the air on 3DM gear in the distance, others had quickly joined them. The people had the same strange guns like the ones before, but this time, they were all different. " Emma get down! " Levi had wrapped his arms around my waist and threw both of us in a nearby alley, loud gunshots had rung into my ears while Levi continued to guard me with his own body. Another shot echoed out into the air, as Levi hissed out in pain. " Agh! " He huddled over and held his arm, blood had leaked through his white buttoned up shirt. I widened my eyes, he was hit. I flinched at the sound of the 3DM coming closer, whoever these people were, they weren't nice. 
" Oh my god! Okay, okay stay calm. " I breathed out, ripping a small piece of Levi's shirt and wrapping it around his bullet wound. " Gah, s-stay away from her! " I widened my eyes and turned around. When turning around I was yanked away from Levi's body and thrown to the side. I hissed in pain, my knees scraped against the concrete floor. " STOP LET ME GO! " My arm was yanked upwards, several men and a few women were surrounding us. They weren't and Military Police or Garrison, just regular people. 

I was struggling against the man's grip, using his strength to pull me towards the enemies. " Levi! " My vision was blocked from a man, he had blocked my last sight of Levi before an impact was met to my head. Everything was met with darkness. 

That's all you get for now! I hope you're all ready for what I have in store next! 
Bye my unicorns XOXO

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