Chapter 4 - Scouts

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Let's give a minute and adore this photo like , you go girl! And btw I'm making Levi like 20 in this book while the reader is 17.  Anyway let's get on with the story! 

Emma's pov 

Captain Levi was currently taking us to meet his team which we were now on , according to Commander Erwin Levi's squad was hand picked by Levi and are very skilled at fighting. I was actually kinda excited to meet these people , they seemed interesting in the way Captain described them. We were soon getting close to the base where his team was located , I honestly was getting kinda fidgety on my horse , I hope these people are nice.  We stopped are horses outside where  4 people were , a orange haired female , a gray haired male , a brown haired male and a blond haired male. " You guys must be Emma and Eren the titan twins! I'm Petra , Petra Ral. "  I smiled at her and shuck her hand , she sent me the brightest smile back while one of the males approached me. " II'm Eld Jinn , 2nd in command. It's nice to meet you. " I shuck his hand as well as Eren shuck his hand after me. " The names Gunther Schultz , it's nice to meet the two of you." He didn't want me to shake his hand so I just waved at him with a smile.  " Who's that? " I asked , the last male stood in the back ignoring everyone. " That Oluo Bozado , he likes trying to copy Captain Levi. " I nodded my head in understanding , I took a glance at the man where I seen a little resemblance.  He was wearing a cravat like the one Levi wears and acting kinda like him but alittle more like a douche. 

We soon got back on are horses and followed the others to the current headquarters it was a huge castle type thing , it looked kinda beautiful from far away. I was sat on my horse next to Petra while Eren was getting harassed by Oluo. I was sat back quietly just listening to the nature and the galloping of are horses , it was so quiet yet oddly peaceful. We made it to the headquarters which was this huge abandon castle that looked old and worn out for ages.
 I started taking care of my horse next to Eren , ready to put it in the stables. " I think they seem nice. " Eren looked at me and crinkled his eyebrows.  " That's until then end up killing both of us when I lose control. " He gave me a saddened look then looked at the ground. " Hey , you can do it , I believe in you. " I smiled at Eren before we gave each other a lovely and comforting embrace. " You think we'll ever be as good as them? " I asked , we pulled away from are hug while Eren let out a small laugh. " We can dream but there the best of the best. " Eren and I shared a chuckle with each other as we continued brushing the hair on are horses and taking care of the needs they needed. From what I learned captain Levi was a clean freak and that was kinda hard to cope with due to the fact that the castle wasn't in good shape. Not even 30 minutes later and here we are cleaning every spec of dust and dirt there is to show. 

I was helping clean the upstairs with Eren , are assignment was to clean every single spot in the room , no casualties. " You know where were sleeping? " Eren shuck his head meaning he didn't know as well. I continued sweeping and wiping down everything making sure to do it multiple times. Believe it or not Captain Levi kinda scared me with the cold look he gives everyone and the unspeakable bad attitude he had , it wasn't my place to judge after all I'm being named as a titan that eats innocent people." I'm sorry I got you dragged into this. " Eren said , he continued scrubbing the windowsill then looked outside kinda sadly. " Hey I didn't chose to be your identical twin , were just that lucky to be blessed with that gift. I wouldn't trade this opportunity for anything. " Eren smiled at me then gave me a hug. " Well I'm done here , I'm gonna inform Captain. " I nodded and forced back on the cleaning , I was almost done with my side of the room. I continued sweeping up the rest of the dirt and threw it away , not even minutes later Captain entered the room examining Eren's side. " Tch filthy. "  He said , I smirked from my position and leaned against the wall. " I'm done too. " He walked away from Eren's side and examined mine , he looked kinda impressed due to his facial expressions. " Good job Yeager , you can lend me a hand in the room I'm working in. " 

" Yes sir. " I followed him out the room and to the one Eren and Petra were in. " Your cleaning is lamentable , back upstairs now. " I let out a snort trying to hold back my laughter. " Something funny Yeager? " I quickly stopped and shook my head. The cleaning happened to go by very fast , by the time we were done it was dinner time. I sat at the end of the table between Eren and Petra as they were talking about stuff I didn't exactly pay attention. " I noticed Emma and Eren look very alike , I understand your twins bu-. " 

" Were Identical twins. " I interrupted , both Eren and I stood up from are chairs and stood next to each other. " Are height is the same , are hair , are faces , the only thing not the same is are eyes." I blinked then looked at everyone , everyone seen the differences in are eyes. My left eye is blue while my right is green , Eren on the other hand has both blue eyes. " Oh now I see it! " Petra had said , I smiled and waved at them. Before we could speak anymore banging started erupting from the door behind Captain , Petra opened the door to find Hanije the one who caused all the ruckus. " Good evening team Levi , hows castle life treating everyone? " Hanije started walking in and straight to us two. " So what are we talking about? " Hanije lay'd her hands flat on the table and creepily smiled at us. " Well we were talking about their eyes , Emma has different eye colors while Eren has one. " Hanije's smile widened which caused me to shiver. 
" That's pretty cool! Say Emma do you wanna do some testing to help me with some questions I have! " 

" I'd love too but it's not my choice , I'm under watch by Captain. " Hanije smiled more then turned to Levi. " Levi what's on the scheduled tomorrow? " He looked at Hanije with an annoyed expression. " Clearing out all the weeds. " Hanije let out a laugh. " Then it's settled! " I let out a breath kinda terrified for myself. Eren started speaking to Hanije about experiments and shit , I noticed the room bring off a vibe. Petra motioned me out of the room while Eren stay'd back.
" Don't get stuck into that. You won't sleep for weeks. " Petra said , I smiled at her but my vision was easily ripped away when I noticed the dark night sky seeping threw the window. Petra walked off leaving me there alone ,  I looked out the window staring up at the starry sky , I let my legs dangle outside the windowsill. " Captain I know your there. " I manged to sense the presence of someone behind me , I already seen the other four walk down the hallway so the last person here was Captain. " Tch what are you doing? " I turned around and glanced at the short man , I smiled at him then turned back to the sky. " Watching the night sky , wanna join me? " I scooted over and patted a spot next to me ,  he rolled his eyes and sat beside me. 

" It's peaceful to know that one day we'll be free from all this. " I seen him glance at me from the corner of my eye which caused me to glance back at him. I smiled at him then looked back at the sky. " So captain , why'd you decide to join me here today. " He let out a scoff then spoke still staring at the sky. " Might as well spend time with my newest skilled squad member. " I felt my face burn at the comment, after that we sat there in complete and utter silence which was relaxing and comforting. " Well I think it's time to hit the hay , mind showing me where my room is? " He nodded , we got up from the windowsill as I followed him down the hallway , we ended up in a cellar where a huge cell was that held two beds , 2 bedside tables and a dresser. I walked into the cell while he closed the door behind me. " Hey Captain? " I held onto the bars and looked at Levi from inside the cell. " We should hang out again sometime , I'd like that. " I smiled at him and plopped on one of the beds , he walked back upstairs leaving me alone yet again. 

That's the end , I told yah I'd upload again! 
Hope you liked it , bye my Unicorns XOXO. 

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