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        Connor and I sat across from each other at the kitchen table patiently waiting for Hank and his drunken self to change. I watched Connors movements as he went between staring at me or staring at the ground, frankly I never knew androids could be nervous.

"Connor, is everything alright?" I ask a tad bit worried. Connor snaps out of what seemed like thinking and turned his attention to my eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry Miss. Anderson. Just...thinking that's all." Connor replies sending me a relieving smile. 

"Elizabeth I...w-would you like to, come with Hank and I to the homicide investigation?" Connor asks me, at first I was taken back by his invitation. I smile as I feel his brown eyes stare for my decision and begin to speak.

"On one condition, afterwards you buy me a drink." I propose and Connor grants me a sly grin. "Its a deal then Miss. Anderson." Connor says still smiling.

I must admit when Connor speaks I completely forget he's an android, his roguish demeanor sends chills down my spine as his eyes melt everything around me into nothing. 

Why does he have such an unnerving effect on me? His overwhelming good looks...maybe. The way his eyes gaze at me? The way he says my name, sweet lord if only he could feel what I'm feeling...

Connor and I heard hank leave the bathroom and subtly strut his way into the kitchen. I smiled looking at my uncle not dressed in his own alcohol, but instead wearing very hippie vibe attire. 

"Be a good dog sumo, I wont be long." Hank tells sumo. I pet the dog and walk out after connor. We make our way to the car and he opens door for me, thanking him I stepped in and he sat in the passengers seat.


I checked my watch and saw it was 8:17, not too late to be investigating. 

"You sure this is the place?" Hank asks and looks at the bright purple sign. "Its the address in the report." Connor answers. I get out of the car and I look up at the luminous LED sign that said Edens Club.

I felt something lightly brush my hand and saw Connor closer than he was before pulling his hand away quickly. I presume he thought I didn't notice him, it seemed like he touched my hand on accident. Connor steps closer to me and lays his hazel gaze on me.

"Elizabeth I'm really s-sorry, I had forgotten to mention the case was in a sex club...I dont want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable. Is this alright with you?" Connor asks me in a semi hushed voice, his words were raspy and caring. I laugh to myself and give connor a smirk.

"Don't worry about me handsome, I'll be fine." I reply grinning as I shoot him a wink and walk inside with Hank.

HOLY SHIT WHY? Why did I say that oh FUUC-

"'Sexiest androids in town' huh? Now I know why you insisted on coming here connor." Hank remarks making the androids face go red, I smile at his embarrassment as he looks at everything that wasn't me.

Surely because I was the only female with them, right? 

He certainly wouldn't feel anything for me.

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