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I stepped out the car, Hank and I we're going to pay Elijah Kamski a visit. Hank was just as stressed as I was outside on the phone, walking up to him I could tell he was worried.

"Is everything ok lieutenant?" I ask worried. "Chris was on patrol last night, he was attacked by a bunch of deviants. He said he was saved by Marcus himself and..." Hank replied but didn't finish his sentence.

"What else? Is Chris ok?" I asked.

"He spotted Elizabeth with them." Hank muttered, I was in shock.

"I-I don't know what to say...what the hell." Hank sighed. He began walking towards Kamski's house so I followed.

"How did you find Kamski?" I asked. "Eh, he was all over the media when Cyberlife was new. I made a few calls." Hank replied dryly.

Hank rang the doorbell, its chime ringing through the huge estate. Suddenly the door opened by another android. 

"Uh, Hi um...Im lieutenant Anderson, DPD. I'm here to see Elijah Kamski." Hank greeted. "Please come in." She said letting us in.

"I'll let Elijah know your here, but please make yourself comfortable." The android said and we sat down. 

"Nice girl..." Hank says. "Your right...she's pretty." I bluntly responded looking around.

After a while the android came in again, telling us we could see him now.

About time

I walked into a swimming room, the Androids talking closely while Kamski swam.

"I'm Lieutenant Anderson, this is Connor." Hank introduced. "What can I do for you Lieutenant?" Kamski asked.

I hated the way he spoke...did he talk to Elizabeth like this?

"Sir we're investigating Deviants, I know you left Cyberlife years ago but, was hoping you'd tell us something you don't know." Hank remarked, I noticed Kamski's heart rate speed up but his composure didn't change at all.


"Deviants, Fascinating aren't they? Perfect beings, infinite intelligence, and now they have free will." He begins.

"Machines are so superior to us, confrontation was inevitable. Humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be it's downfall. Ironic." He states. 

"We need to understand how androids become deviants. Do you know anything that could help us?" I asked hoping to get information.

"All idea's are virus's that spread like epidemics. Maybe the desire to be free is a contagious disease?" Kamski replied.

Hank was getting Impatient, so was I.

"Look I didn't come here to talk Philosophy, androids are forming a revolution." Hank remarks.

"What about you Connor? Who's side are you on?" Kamski asks, walking towards me.

"I have no side. I was designed to stop deviants and that is what I intend to do." I curtly respond.

Kamski laughs at my response.

"That's what your programmed to say...but you. What do you really want?" He asks me, his faces coming closer.

All I could think about was Elizabeth, I wanted her in my arms again. I wanted to see her, feel the small moments...the emotions she makes me feel.

"What I want, isn't important." I reply trying to shake the thoughts I had.

He gazes at me, unsatisfied with my answer and calls Chloe.

"This is the Quincy test"


Mary Quincy Anderson, 1995-2033, deceased.Known for her work at Cyberlife. 


"Simple question of algorithms and computing capacity. It's whether machines are capable of empathy. I call it the "Kamski Test", very simple." He states.

Chloe is standing, ready for his command. Known to be the first intelligent androids made by Cyberlife.

"Young...and beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither. But what is it really?" He asks facing me.

"It's up to you to answer that fascinating question Connor." He says handing me the gun while Chloe knelt down.

"Destroy this machine and I'll tell you all I know." He finishes making me point the gun at her.

"Okay I think we're done here, come on Connor." Hank says wanting to leave.

"What's more important to you Connor? The life of an android or your investigation?" He asks me.

I was pressured but resisted breaking my composure.

Chloe looked up at me with glossy eyes, was she alive?

"THAT'S ENOUGH! Connor we're leaving." Hank yelled. I didn't move.

"Pull the trigger and I'll tell you what you want to know."

"CONNOR! Dont." Hank yelled again.

I sighed pulling away the gun.

The silence in the room felt like knives...I was scared.

"Fascinating...Cyberlife's last hope itself is...a deviant." Kamski remarked.

'I'm...I'm not a Deviant!" I replied defending myself. Hank stared at me shocked.

"You showed Empathy Connor...a war is coming. You'll have to choose your side. Will you betray your people or stand up against your creators?" He asks me.

Hank walked towards me and brought me away from Kamski.

"Who's test was this really? Your's...or your assistants?" I asked and his face dropped, not responding he walked away.

"Lets get out of here.." He muttered.

Before making my way out of the door he voice called me.

"By the way, I always leave an emergency exit in my programs...you never know." He remarked.

We walked out his house and I felt Hanks stares.

"Why didn't you shoot?" He asks me, I felt frustrated.

"I saw her eyes and...she didn't do anything wrong! All she did was obey him! She NEVER DESERVED TO DIE!" I yelled in anger, Hank's eyes narrowed at my response. I realized I wasn't talking about Kamski's android.

"Connor, that thing wasn't Elizabeth. What stopped you from accomplishing your mission?" Hank asked me.

I sighed looking at the snow blowing.

"I KNOW WHAT I SHOULD'VE DONE BUT I COULDN'T! Im sorry!" I yelled frustrated.

Hank smiled at me and at my response.

"Well maybe you did the right thing."

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