-Please Dont Go-

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I heard Connors words and felt relieved. His smile made my heart melt while my face became hot. Connor made me feel...in love, I know, I'm crazy. But it was true.

I shut my eyes falling asleep, I was exhausted.

The next day I woke up to someone...crying?

I noticed I was at home, Hanks house in the guest room room. There was a note sticking out of Connors jacket that was folded on the end of the bed. I opened it and it read;

Thanks for joining me on the case and also dinner. I had fun, you fell asleep while I was taking you home so I put you in bed and left you with my jacket. I hope you got some rest.

From, Connor.

Um am I awake right now??

I shoot up from bed and quickly dismiss the note focusing on who was weeping. It didn't sound like Hank...was it?

Opening his room I saw him holding a bottle of beer, He had tears streaming down his cheeks while beer was stained on his shirt.

"H-hank! What's wrong? P-PUT THE BEER DOWN!" I yelled rushing to get it out of his hands. I placed it on the table and heard hank get up.

"E-Elizabeth...you cant stay here anymore..." My uncle tells me holding my shoulders. His expression was terrible, it would've put me in tears if I weren't so confused.

"What? Hank y-your not serious. What's making me...leave...I just got here...?" I asked but then scoffed at him.

"You need rest, It's too early for you to be this drunk, I-"

"Elizabeth your dad is dead." Hank says.

No, what...what do you mean?

"W-what..." I ask my fingers trembling. This had to be a bad dream, this or Hank wasn't thinking right....

"He left you a video, he told me to play it when you got here. I-I, look kid...I love you too much to keep you here. Your in dang-"

"Your lying, my...MY DADS NOT DEAD." I scream beginning to cry. I walk away from hank, my hand on my forehead the other on my hip trying to calm down.

"Eliza, your dad loved you. I wouldn't be lying about this, I wouldn't be crying if this hadn't have-"

"YOUR A FUCKING LIAR HANK, Y-you think I'm going to believe this...THIS BULLSHIT?" I scream crying even more.

I was out of breath, my face red from anger and exhaustion.

T-this isn't true.

"Kid, just watch the video." Hank asked quietly handing me his phone.

"NO...I can't. I-I CANT! NO! NO...no...please God no." I whispered, tears sliding off my cheeks. My tears cooled off the heat in my face.

I felt Hanks arms hold me, he comforted me as I mourned at his words. He shhh'ed me as I weeped staring at my dads face on his phone...I just needed to press play.

My trembling hand touched the screen and presses play as I see him, alone in my moms old room. Her stuff, untouched since she died. My dad sighs and begins to speak.

"I love you darling. I love you...so much."

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