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I walked in the house, of course the door was unlocked. I noticed Elizabeth and Hank were...emotional? I could tell they had been crying. I slowly came in and Hank coughed giving me a look.

"Is everything alright?" I ask and Elizabeth quickly wipes her face and forces a smile for me.

"Definitely. I-I was just going to eat breakfast actually..." Elizabeth says trailing off, she got up but I reached for her hand before she left the room. She looks at my hand holding hers and leaves shaking it off.

"Sheesh, that was awkward." Hank tells me chuckling. "Was everything alright with you two lieutenant?" I asked.

Hank drank from his bottle before looking at me.

"The girl lost her father. She needs some time to stop thinking about it." Hank bluntly tells me.

Elizabeth? Oh my...God.

I walk into the kitchen where she was staring at the counter...there was a knife just sitting there. I grab her hands and swing her around to face me.

"Elizabeth...can-would you like to eat out for breakfast?" I asked hoping to cheer her up.

Please say yes...I'll die if you don't. You need time away...with me preferably.

Her eyes widen at my action, her mouth was slightly open meaning she was surprised.

"I don't want to force you, I just thought-"

"That sounds great. I'm just going to take a shower first." She says shooting me a wink. It seemed like her whole expression had changed in a few seconds.

Was she ok?

She leaves and I'm still staring at the blade on the counter she was watching. Hank comes in and gets a drink. Sumo was lazily resting on the ground near his bowl, I poured some water and gave him more food in his dish.

"Oh fuck, Connor we're gonna need to leave in a few. Get my gun quick, it's in the bathroom." Hank orders me.

"Why the bathroom?" I ask confused. "It doesn't fucking matter Connor just go get it." Hank says drinking from his bottle again.

I open the bathroom door looking around for the Gun.


I was showering when I heard the door open, quickly I shut off the water and grabbed the gun that was in here.

Fuck...I knew they'd be trying to kill me but really? Right now?

I peered around the shower curtain still cover myself with it. I heard footsteps but the mirrors were fogged so I couldn't tell who they were.

They were searching for something, looking through the cabinets.

I quickly threw on a towel and walked out the shower, pointing the gun ready to shoot.

As I walked over he was bent over looking through the cabinet under the sink.

"HEY!" I yelled and he turned around.


"Oh there it is. Thanks Elizabeth." Connor said getting up winking at me. I was frozen, the gun still aimed at him while my towel still wrapped around my body.

He took the gun from me and I felt his lips kiss my cheek quickly, my face heating up extremely.

W-what the...FuCk

He walks to the door, my face extremely red but my body still frozen. Smiling he looks at me again before leaving.

"You should really lock the door Elizabeth." He says winking before closing the door.

Oh my gosh I'm an idiot

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