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"Hey, hello? Please, we're looking for someone..."

My thoughts were broken by a strangers voice. Focusing my attention I saw a short haired android..with a little girl.

"Excuse me I need to find someone named Marcus...? Have you seen him?" She asked me. Fixing her short blonde hair.

"I know where, just sit tight. I'll go get him for you." I smile warmly, the little girl was shivering.

Poor thing...

I crouched down to face her and smiled.

"You must be freezing, what's your name?" I ask and she looks at me.

"Alice..." She responded shyly, I began to stand up.

"Well Alice, just stay here with your mom for a bit until I grab a blanket for you." I replied and she smiles at me.

Her mother smiled gratefully at me and I walked off to get her blanket. I found a small wool blanket upstairs and walked back down to give it to Alice. She was sitting next to a taller man this time along with her mom.

"Here, you need to stay warm." I hummed tucking the blanket around her, her eyes closing for a brief moment before smiling at me.

"Thank you." Her mother said and I nodded, before walking off to get Marcus for them. Making my way upstairs I opened the door to his room and saw Marcus stressed, thinking.

"Marcus, are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"Yes, well...I'm trying to be anyway." He replied forcing a smile.

"Your obviously not. Look, you need to stop thinking about the small problems. As much as they effect you leading the revolution they won't STOP you from changing the future. You will be the leader these Androids need to free your race." I advise Marcus, he sighs at my words but smiles.

"Thank you."

"I believe in you, and so do hundreds of others. Everything will be fine-" My words were cut off as I heard someone come in.

"I've been ordered to take you alive." His familiar voice echoed, I knew who it was.


"But I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice." He remarks as Marcus turned to face him.

"Connor, stop. Think about what-"

"I know what I'm doing Elizabeth, just stay back." Connor cuts me off, gun still positioned at Marcus.

"Do you Connor? Did you know what you were doing while you left me to die?" I spat trying to distract him from Marcus.

"We can talk about this later." He said dismissively.

"What are you doing? You are one of us. You can't betray your own people!" Marcus reasoned but Connor didn't waiver.

"Your coming with me!" He ordered trying to intimidate him.

He certainly doesn't intimidate me.

"Your nothing to them, your just a tool to do their dirty work." Marcus says walking closer to him.

I wanted to say something...my body was frozen but I knew I had to tell him.

"Connor your more than that, your more than just a machine. The many times I've been with you I know you feel something! Your actions at times would say more than words." I told him, his expression changing.

"All we want is to live in freedom." Marcus stated getting even closer.

"Have you never asked yourself who you are? Never felt anything inside you?" Marcus questioned.

"Never wanted to tell someone 'I love you'?" He asked Connor, my heart pumping faster.

Connor's poker face never faltered as he held his stance, his gun pointing at Marcus.

"It's time to decide." Marcus remarked pressuring Connor.

Suddenly I could feel Connor's tension break loose, he slowly pointed the gun down. His expression was confused.

Did he think he was free?

His eyes tear'd up looking back at me. I wanted to hug him but another part of me wanted to slap him.

Connor walked towards me but I rushed towards him to have myself in his arms. He hugged me tightly, his tears dripping my back.

"I...I missed you so much." He whispered.

"I know."

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