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Tears filled the brim of my eyes as Connor held my waist smiling joyfully. People around us clapped and cheered at the performance they just saw, not noticing my sadness. I felt broken, like I just smashed a window and someone I loved was staring right back at me from the other side. Like I hurt them.

I was hurt, I HURT MYSELF! Why did I pick such a terrible song.

Dad...I miss you.


She was in my arms, her head buried in my chest. Was Elizabeth...happy? The audience around us cheered and all I could do was smile. I felt so alive! I sang a duet...with the love of my life.

but she was sad, wasn't she?

everyone soon went back to conversation and mingle as I hugged Elizabeth, swaying back and forth slowly to comfort her.

She looked up at me, her eyes red and full of tears.

"I...Connor I'm so sad, I miss him." She muttered. 

"I know, but know he must be happy to hear you sing...he loves you Elizabeth." I whisper. She held me closely and brought our lips together. She kissed me as I smelled the sweet scent of her perfume. Her lips soft and sweet, reluctantly I pulled away from her slowly. I couldn't help but to gaze at her, she was an angel.

"I need to find Hank, you find kamski." I whispered, she let out a sigh before smirking at me.

"Thanks. Ill meet you outside, ok?" She asked and I nodded. Before she walked away I kissed her cheek and jogged off to find Hank.

I couldn't stop smiling walking away, I felt happy for once in my life.


I found the man, he was mid conversation with two business men but that didn't stop me from butting in.

"Elijah, you know what I want. I did what you wanted." I spat, discontent he forced me to sing.

"Wonderful performance darling, me and my wife enjoyed it quite a bit! Where's your husband? He was definitely quite the singer." The man who was talking to Elijah asked.

"Uh he's just a...friend. Look, Elijah can I have a word with you?" I ask and pull him aside.

"Where are they? Tell me you still have them!" I yell at him getting glances from the man.

"Elizabeth would you like me-"

"ELIJAH  Tell me where they are!" I exclaimed gripping his suit. "I destroyed them. I heard what happened to your mother and-"

"YOU LIED TO ME! You...you coward!" I screamed in rage.

He's...he's a monster.

"I did exactly what you as-"

"You manipulated me! I-I will never trust you again..." I spat and darted away to follow connor, I was going to get Hank no matter what. 

I couldn't fail again.

Not this pissed anyway.

I went up the stairs and down a long hallway passing countless doors and rooms. I passed the 10th door and was almost down the hallway until I heard a gunshot from a room. Grabbing the gun Connor had given me I entered the room, pointing my gun.

I saw Hank, zip ties tied to his wrists and ankles with duct tape over his mouth defenseless. Connor was pointing his gun at 2 men before one grabbed me and forcibly shoved a pistol at my temple.

"PUT THE GUN DOWN." The man yelled and I struggled to leave his grip.

"Connor, don't worry about me. You know what you need to do." I told connor, his eyes wide staring at me in fear.

"No Elizabeth, I...I can't" He replied, gun still pointing at the men, Hank was right behind him.

Hank and I were each hostages now, him just being safe behind connor. I know Connor is going to make the right decision. 

"Connor you know who is more important to this mission. Don't do what he says and save HANK!"

"SHUT UP OR I'LL SHOOT!" The man screams, my ears ringing.

"Elizabeth I won't do that. I CAN'T DO THAT TO MYSELF!" Connor exclaimed, he knew someone was going to get hurt but I was going to make sure It wasn't Hank or him.

I glanced Connor and his eyes were glued to mine. 

Save hank. Please...

Within a second a loud bang killed my ears and all I could hear was ringing, he fired his gun shooting the man holding me. Everything went slowly as I broke free from the now injured man's grip and ran in front of Connor. The other guy had pulled the trigger to kill Connor. 

Suddenly a pain shot up through my shoulder as I pointed my gun at the other man, I pulled the trigger right as soon as he did, mine only not being a fatal shot.

I fell and slid down the wall grasping my shoulder, Hank was assisted up and cut loose with help from Connor.

"ELIZABETH PLEASE! STAY WITH ME! Please!" Connor begged but my ears were still deaf from the gunshot. My eyes felt heavy and all I could see was my blood on my hands and the bodies of the two across from me.

Was I having Déjà vu? FuuUuck this hurts...

I was alone, Connor took Hank outside to escape, I knew I was going to die here. Only me in this room that smelled of blood and dust. The man who briefly held me hostage began to move slightly to reach for something but I slowly pulled out my gun and shot him. 

I thought he looked funny clinging to life so I chuckled a bit.

I was going to die too wasn't I?

Fuck me.

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