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I held her in my arms, this familiar feeling stinging my heart. I was so...happy.

My eyes couldn't stop crying. I had so much to tell her, to tell her how I felt.

I was a Deviant...

Fuck Amanda.

"I-I have so much to tell you-ELIZABETH WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM?" I yelled surprised at her robotic arm. I couldn't tell it was fake until I gripped it...

"Oh it's nothing, just the bullet that hit me got a pivotal part of my arm...I-I didn't know but when I woke up Marcus helped me." She says her expression obviously showing she was still surprised herself.

I was beginning to feel anger, at myself. At myself for not saving her. My eyes couldn't hold it but again tears streamed down my face.

What if I lost her?

I felt her hands grips my arms to see if I were ok.

"Connor...please don't cry. I-im alright. Trust me." She coed trying to calm me down.


"I know Connor-"

"NO-NO YOU DONT!!!" I screamed so frustrated at myself. I was holding her but couldn't hold myself together.

Her wide eyes looked at mine but breaking away I had to rest my head on hers, shutting my eyes tightly to stop tears from soaking my cheeks.

"...I'm so sorry..." I muttered sobbing.

Her hands holding my face she cupped my cheeks and kissed me. Our lips parted shortly after once she acknowledged Marcus in the room.

Opening my eyes I saw her beautiful bright eyes looking back at me, her lips forming a smile as a few tears dropped off her cheeks as well.

"I love you so much...wait Connor? What about Cyberlife?" Elizabeth asked me concerned.

Giving her a small smirk I held her closely before whispering in her ear.

"Cyberlife can kiss my plastic ass." I said the sassiest way as possible making her laugh. Her giggle filling the room, making me laugh as well.

Suddenly a pain shot through me, Cyberlife...

"Jericho...were going to get attacked." I stated breaking Elizabeth's laughter.

"Oh no...We need to get everyone out of here!" She exclaimed.

"Shit" Marcus cursed running off, grabbing Elizabeth's hands I ran off and followed.


We sprinted downstairs and through the ships tunnels, Marcus slowed down once seeing North.

"They're coming from all sides! Our people are still trapped! T-their going to be slaughtered!" North exclaimed.

I saw Marcus close his eyes and presume he sent everyone a message.

"Wheres Josh?"

"I don't know, we got separated..."North told Marcus, my hands still in Connor's squeezed his tightly.

He squeezed my hand back as if telling me everything was going to be fine, letting me become less stressed.

"Go I'll get to you later!" Marcus said breaking my thoughts to listen to what he was saying. He ran off and so did the rest of us.

We ran and waited for Marcus to get back with us, when he did he told us the bomb was going to explode any second now.

I sprinted down the hall, Connor trailing behind me with Josh and North coming soon after, suddenly I heard North get shot.

"Marcus! Get North!" I screamed trying to get her help.

He ran and threw her a plate of metal to stop the men's bullets, I punched one as Marcus shot another.

"Go Now!" Connor yelled telling us to run. He was going to fight more men coming towards us.

"I'm not leaving you!" I yelled running after him, He shot one as I slid and kicked 2 more down. I grabbed their gun and shot a soldier who was fighting Connor. Connor then swiftly shot the two I injured. I looked back at him and saw a sly smirk on him.

"Why don't you ever listen to me?" He sighed chuckling a bit before grabbing my hand and running again.

"Come on!" Marcus yelled and jumped off the side of the boat into the water.

I halted before going to jump in, I couldn't jump. I was terrified...I was so TERRIFIED

"N-no Connor...FUCK I-I-I Can't!" I screamed freaking out, my heart beating so fast I couldn't think.

"Listen to me Elizabeth! We need to jump, you need to trust me."Connor's soothing voice reassured me.

I tried to focus but looking down didn't help, I quickly shut my eyes and felt Connor hold me tightly and jump.

My body went limp opening my eyes I gasped loosing my breath, my ears heard a piercing bang and saw the ship explode, my ears ringing as I went deaf.

My body froze before passing out before getting to the surface, I had lost Connor and wasn't in his arms anymore.



Sorry for the inconsistent updates, also that I havent been able to edit the recent chapters ive been putting out... lol IM TRYING OK (Sorry tho) I've actually been thinking about more ideas for another DBH Fic so If you have any cool ideas totally dm me! Maybe we could potentially write a book together (OOH WOW SO PROFESH AND GROOVY)

Thank for reading and stay tuned!  

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