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I walked back and forth, pacing the room thinking. Hank sat at the table drinking while watching my frustration.

I needed to find Elizabeth...I loved her too much, but I was too stupid to leave her there. She could've died...she got shot for HANK AND I.

"I  didn't know you androids could ge-"

"LIEUTENANT ANDERSON YOUR ONLY FAMILY COULD BE DEAD, KIDNAPPED OR IN DANGER. GODDAMN JESUS HANK SOMEONE COULD BE RAPING HER THIS VERY MOMENT! Yet still, your deciding to have a drink!" I screamed banging my fist on the table, my face inches from his.

His narrowed empty eyes looked at me, he knew I was right. 

I couldn't help myself, tears poured down my cheeks and I shut my eyes trying to stop.

"I'm so sorry...I-I miss her Lieutenant."

Opening my eyes I noticed Hanks expression change drastically. He was smiling at  me, but with tears.

"I love her too."


"Oh my gosh...this is crazy!" I exhale nervous about the stunt I was going to pull. 

"We're going to attack these stores and set our people free." Marcus explains. It was north Marcus and I who was a team.

At 2 am we were going simultaneously free androids from stores. No violence, no police.

"I've been waiting a long time for this, and I'm not letting her mess this up." North hisses and opened the gate out onto the street.

I dismissed her remark and made my way outside. Suddenly I saw a police car.

"Marcus! Elizabeth here!" North exclaimed and we hid behind garbage containers, the police went past us and we stood up again.

We jogged to the store and North looked in the window, glancing at me she felt grim.

"This is what we are to your kind, just merchandise on display. Soon everyone will see who we are." She said giving me chills.

"Lets stick to the plan, Ill neutralize the security. You two get the alarms and secure the area." I replied changing the subject.

"Your right. There's ten minutes until our teams attack." Marcus agreed.

I watched as Marcus freed the Android workers who were outside, noticing a drone I alerted them and told them I'd handle it.

Climbing up an unfinished construction job I managed to get high enough to jump on the drone, doing so had me on it in midair.

I struggled to destroy it but had it broken.

"I hope it didn't have enough time to call the cops. Good job." North remarked and I smiled.

Marcus freed more androids and shut off the alarm systems. We jumped another fence and were ready to get the truck, we got in and started it up.

"Looks like we're ready to make some noise." North says smirking.

"Hell yeah." I replied and we fist bumped.

Marcus began driving and I could feel the tension. Something bad was going to happen. He drove into the store breaking the glass doors and hit the brakes.

Marcus converted them all, I watched the Androids look around as if this wasn't earth anymore. They were awake now...

"My name is Marcus, and just like you I was a slave. But then I chose to open my eyes, to take back my freedom and decide who I was. Now I;m here to tell you you can be your own masters. Sure you can continue to serve them as a slave, Jericho is where our people choose to be free. Now is up to you to decide your destiny. Who are you with?" Marcus says, his speech empowering every single one in the room.

before I knew it all of them shouted they chose him, Marcus. He was the leader to free them and show humanity their dream.

He ran outside and began hacking signs and replaced them with his symbol. Holographic freedom symbols were posted everywhere. 

He was sending a message.

"We freed hundreds of androids, your people." I smiled telling Marcus, right then he sensed police coming and the androids began to flee.

"Come on Elizabeth, to Jericho." He said. Nodding I ran with them.

I ran but stopped in my tracks...their were gunshots.

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