-Edens Club PT.2-

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    "Elizabeth, are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Connor asks me, Id like to say I was fine but my eyes kept tearing up. I wiped them away and grinned. "No no no! I'm fine, really..." I muster to say avoiding eye contact. 

Why do such people insist on making others look like a fool? 

Connor grab my hands and stares at my eyes, I try looking away but at the same time am trying not to tear up anymore than I am.

"Elizabeth dont listen to Gavin. He's an asshole who doesn't know anything. Listen, after this case lets go out to eat. Something better than just buying you a drink, what do you think?" Connor asks me, I force a smile and he smiles back.

Who is Connor...? Certainly not an android. He's human to me, he makes me feel alive...so shouldn't he be?

Hank and Connor search the room and Connor begins to scan the android lying on the ground, then the body on the bed.

"He didn't die of a heart attack, someone strangled him." Connor tells Hank. "Yeah, I saw the bruising on his neck while you two were whispering sweet nothings to each other." Hank says making my face heat up, Connor was pink also. 

"Were missing something, I'm going to try to reactivate the android. It'll only be for a minute or less so I have to hurry." Connor says opening her torso compartment. He connects the tube in her and she wakes up frantically crawling away from Connor.

"It's okay, please be calm. We just need to ask you some questions." I reassure her, I knew she didnt have much time left.

"Can you speak?" Connor asks crouching next to me and across from her.

"Is he...Is he dead?" The android asks. "Tell me what happened." Connor commands her. She explains but Connor gets agitated and wants more answers. "Did you kill him?" he asks. "No, NO its wasn't me." She states.

"What else do you remember? Hurry! We dont have much time!" He yells and the girl begins to panic again.

"I-I-I don't know! I don't.." She blurts. "Calm down don't worry, Connor stop stressing her! Please, was there anyone else in here with you?" I ask.

"He wanted to play with two girls, it was me and-" She was explaining but Connor cut her off.

"Where did she go? What did the other android say!" Connor interrogates. She had about 10 seconds left and was panicking even more. Then from the stress shutdown, we stood up and looked around.

"So there was another android...and this happened around an hour ago so she must be long gone." Connor stated. "No...she wouldn't have left wearing this. Not unnoticed...she must still be here." I intervene and look hopefully at Connor. 

"I'm going to ask the manager if there's anything else he saw, tell me if you find anything new." Hank says leaving to question the manager.

I noticed Connor trying to open one of the girls for a session and walked over.

"No fingerprint detected, please try again." The robotic voice said as Connor sighed. "Need some help? Here." I said and placed my hand down. "I-I'm not going to do what you think I'm doing I-" Connor explains but I wave him off and shake my head. 

"I understand, access her memory and find out where the android went. Yknow I would but...Im not an android soo." I remark and Connor smiles relieved I understand.

"You owe me 30 bucks though."

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