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    "Please'd to meet you, follow me to your room." The bot says to Connor. "Okay, dont keep me waiting Connor. We don't have much time." I tell Connor hoping he wont spend too much time doing this.

Connor stares at me blankly, I notice his LED blinking yellow also and gave him a puzzled look.

"Are you jealous?" Connor asks me and I smile nervously and cleared my throat. "W-where did you get that? I just sai-"

"You said not to keep you waiting while I was reaching her memories, are you hoping I won''t spend too much time with this android?" Connor asks me with a sly smile curious.

"Um. No I'm actually not Connor." I reply shrugging and slowly start to walk to another android. "If you'd like to have sex with her I'm all for it, dont keep me from having you two bond, okay?" I reply with an over friendly smile.

He thinks he can mess with me huh? That android can try.

"She saw something, a deviant, a blue haired Traci leave the room. " Connor says getting my attention.

"They wipe androids memory every 2 hours, we have to hurry." I state and Connor nods. He looks at another androids memory and see's where the Traci went.

"I know where it went." Connor tells hank. "Then go for it!" Hank says laughing.

"It turned into the red room, lets go." He says and we make our way quickly trying to find the android. Checking every male android Connor finds where the Traci went. Looking around again Connor begins to become frustrated.

"It didn't see anything, I must've made a mistake somewhere." He sighs. "Keep checking, we'll find her Connor. I promise." I reassure him and give him a nod. 

She must've gone to the machine room, she wouldn't stay at this place anymore than she needed to...but couldn't have left without being unnoticed.

"It hid in a room..." Connor says. "No I checked there, it was empty. She must've left to another area, hurry!" I reply saving Connor time from checking the room.

"I know where it went! Follow me." Connor yells jogging over to a staff room. "Fucking A- This is crazy!" Hank says.

"Elizabeth, Connor. Wait I'll take it from here." Hank says and moves in front of us. He opens the door pulling out his gun.

"Stay close to me Elizabeth." Connor says and I nod.

"Shit! We're too late." Hank says. "No...she's still here." I mutter to myself thinking, I move towards the group of standing androids and look at each of them. Near the back I notice one of them had a yellow LED and blue hair...staying calm I acted like I didn't notice.

I briskly walk towards Connor and nudge his arm. "Behind me, in the third row. The Traci." I whisper and Connor nods glancing at the group. As he walked over another android grabbed a hold of him attacking him. "DON'T MOVE." Hank screamed as the Blue Traci attacked Hank. 

The other android was on top of Connor attempting to punch him but he was quickly blocking her shot, I had grabbed a chair and smashed it over the androids head and she quickly feel off Connor.

Quickly the blue haired Traci ran to help the other android and got her up, we ran outside to catch them. I noticed them holding hands but right then Hank forcefully grabbed their wrists, they pushed him into a wall and Hank fell.

Connor sprinted as Hank yelled "QUICK THEIR GETTING AWAY!" The two girls dashed toward the fence but Connor pulled the blue haired one down resulting the other one to go for him. The blue haired one pushed Connor and the other one grabbed a pipe.

"Connor WATCH OUT!" I screamed and he ducked missing her swing. They both grabbed him and he tried attacking the girls but fell on the ground getting hit by a trash can. He noticed the gun on the ground and pointed it at one of the androids.

Suddenly everything felt slower, I saw Connor pointing the gun at the Traci and Instinctively ran towards her.

"Connor NO!" I screamed and he didn't shoot. He kept his eyes on the girl running towards him as I stopped mid-sprint. Both the girls looked at us, the blue haired one began to speak.

"I was so scared. I begged him to STOP but he wouldn't. And so I put my hands around his throat and I squeezed. Until he stopped moving. I didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted to stay alive." The said as the other one grabbed her hand.

"Get back, to the one I love." She told us, I could feel her pain. Connor and I looked at them intently.

"Wanted her to hold me in her arms again, forget about the humans. Their smell of sweat, and their dirty words." She said as Hank walked over. I related painfully with what she was saying, It hurt me to know androids could suffer this pain too.

This girl suffered, she was feeling pain but at the same time she felt love for that other Traci.

She was feeling emotion.

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