-Edens Club-

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    As I walked into the first room I saw androids in tubes staring at me, they seemed so lifelike I didn't expect to be so...frightened. The male androids had bit their lips and squinting I looked closer at its actions, walking up to the tube. Connor appeared closely by my side and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him, this surprised me so much I had let out a soft gasp.

Looking at Connors expression was intense, he was glaring at the male android with a violent stare. If looks could kill that android wouldn't handle Connors looks.

I wouldn't blame him though, I cant either.

"Hey connor! Elizabeth! Stop fucking around!" Hank yelled at us and Connor warily let go of my waist and stared down at me. I had a puzzled look but Connors stare just looked at me coldly.

How could such a flirtatious move, grabbing my waist bringing my face inches away from his, be paired with such a cold stare? 

Ugh Androids are so complicated...or are humans too simple? Who knows.

"Hey Ben how are ya..." Hank asks this guy in front of another room. "Fine before this shit happened, its in that room there. Oh and Gavin's in there too." The guy told Hank and Hank sighs.

"Oh great! A dead body AND an asshole, just what I need." He replies sarcastically and we enter the room. 

"Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet" Gavin remarks then notices me enter the room. "and my my...who's the doll we have here?" He asks looking me up and down. I face him with boredom (with a hint of snob) and cross my arms.

He walks my way and Connor makes sure to be beside me.

I can protect myself yknow, I dont need an android.

"Well Hi" I greet him putting out y hand smiling. He takes it and expects me to give him my name.

"I'm, out of your league. Sorry sunshine but you have a better chance hooking up with one of these androids then even touching first base with me." I coldly remark watching Gavin's face drop. Glancing at Connor I see him smirking. Gavin places his attention onto connor and hank back to his asshole mood again.

"The fuck are you doing here?' He asks. "We've been assigned all cases involving androids." Connor replies. "Oh yeah? Well your wasting time, just some pervert who got more action than he could handle." Gavin says laughing, looking at me.

"You know, he might not be the only one getting some tonight if you catch my drift..." Gavin remarks winking at me.

Ugh man, do I hate assholes like these. Please just leave-

"You can wish all you want Mr. Reed but we all know Elizabeth isn't coming home with you tonight." Connor tells Gavin defending me. I subtly grab the back of Connors jacket and it a slight tug to hopefully tell him to stop it.

I wouldn't want any more trouble their is with that asshole. No matter how far he goes.

Gavin walks up to Connor and slightly pushes his shoulder at this point Hanks completely not caring anymore and looking around. "You think you can do better than me? Ill tell you what, maybe when you actually get laid Elizabeth will tell you how good I am in-" Gavin gets cut off by Connor punching him.

"C-Connor please...d-dont." I mutter grabbing his arm. Gavin grabbed his hose, which was now bleeding, and stood up to straight again. "Here, you know when to call." Gavin says handing me a cigarette with his number on it, while I was looking at it Gavin's hand reaches my ass and gropes me.

I move away quickly and shoot him a face of disgust as he walks out the door, silently I pace to myself and start to fidget with my hands and crack my knuckles.

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