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I looked in the mirror and sighed at the woman in the mirror.

"Not bad...but could be better." I sighed staring at myself. I wore a long jade gown with long sleeves and a low cut that showed my back.

I put on a black leather jacket and dark lipstick to compliment my dress. I didn't look half bad.

I opened the door to leave home when I almost fell from Sumo barging in.

"Hey boy! Where's my sumo gone to? I'm so happy your back." I exclaim reaching down to pet sumo.

I notice Connor smiling at me.

"I'm back also, hope you didn't miss me too much," he remarked and I rolled my eyes.

"You-I can't find the words..."

"what?" I ask Connor noticing his stammering.

"You're gorgeous." he breathes staring at me.

My cheeks heated as my face turned crimson red.

"I should get ready also," Connor said breaking the short silence and came inside.

He seemed to have gotten a tux, walking out quickly already changed he fixed his bow tie and smiled at me.

"What do think?" He asked me.

Well Hot damn

"Not bad. For an android." I reply.


"I hoped you would think that." He said smiling.

He lent his arm out for me and walked me out and into a cab. I was going to get dropped off at Jacks. We both sat closely in the back seat.

As I looked out the window I felt his hand grab mine and give me something.

Looking down it was a flower...a camellia?

"Connor it's beautiful, how...how did you get this, it's so rare." I asked surprised.

"I found a small flower shop nearby. Camellias are so rare to be found in the US and are native in Asia..." Connor went off stating facts about the flower.

"C-Connor you could've just have gotten me a simple rose..." I reply

His eyes looked at mine blinking a bit before replying.

"Roses are common in the US, as pretty as they are. Pretty things are easy to come by, but somethings as gorgeous as you are rare." He said.

I was heating up again, I couldn't take compliments from him.

"We're here. You love birds gonna get out?" The driver said and I stammered.

"S-sorry! Um...I'll see you there, ok?" I asked Connor.

"I wouldn't miss it." He replies winking and I smiled. Shutting the door and getting out I walked up to jacks door.

Before even knocking he opened the door.

"Hello, gorgeous." I vomited in my mouth before forcing a smile.

"Hey there...uh handsome," I replied and he quickly shut the door and pulled out his keys.

"Sorry about being in a bit of a hurry but if we leave now we can get there justin time." He said hurrying past me and into his car.

I get in as well and he drives us there, we passed several big houses...but as we stopped he parked at the biggest mansion I've seen.

Sorry this was short I'm having a bit off writer's block but I wanted to get UNO MAS before my birthday (7/14). Hoped you enjoyed this ol chappy! I have big plans...huge plans XD I also made the pic up top...terrible I know 😂 BUT I just needed something to show my envision of their attire...yknow? Lmao

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