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I couldn't breath

My system stopped

Couldn't I come up with a better argument? I know Elizabeth would never come close to death with me...

I-I don't understand. I...



"I think I know a way I can help." I told her, I was so surprised my thoughts just spoke up. I didn't even fully understand my plan.

Elizabeth looks up at me, her makeup was a mess. She looked vulnerable and broken...

I did this to her didn't I?

"I don't want your help Connor." She spat at me beginning to walk away.

I jogged to catch up to her and turned her around.

"Elizabeth please listen-"

"DONT YOU TOUCH ME! DONT I-...Please." Elizabeth begged at the verge of crying.

Outside the breeze was cold, the sky; black and empty. Lamp posts shined on her dull eyes trying to hold tears.

I hugged Elizabeth, wrapping my arms around her waist. I felt her breath on my chest as she held back tightly, my shirt was wet.

I scanned her. Her heart beat a rapid 93 beats per minute.

"I love-"

"Connor no, PLEASE! Don't...mess with my heart like this." She sighed.

I shut my mouth deciding not to continue.

She had to know my- no...this is a system malfunction.

"LOVE Isn't a game Connor. T-that kiss...was a mistake." Elizabeth spat in anger, her words hurting me.

"I KNOW WHAT LOVE IS!" I yelled at her defending myself.

"Do you Connor? Because last time I checked your an Android, devoid of feeling emotion. EMOTION THAT JUST GETS IN THE WAY OF YOUR FUCKI-"

I cut Elizabeth off mid sentence kissing her roughly, my hands in her hair and holding her waist.

She didn't hold back deciding to kiss back arms around my neck.

My heart aches at the thought of her yelling at me.

Slowly letting go she rested her head on mine, placing her hands on my face.

"I love you Elizabeth" I whispered.

"I know" she replied confidently.

She was going to be the death of me.



We sat across from each other at a nearby cafe shooting ideas at each other trying to think on getting Hank back.

"I have Jacks phone, what if I use that as an excuse to meet up with him again?" I asked.

"No, it would be impossible trying to find him. You couldn't call and you had given him a random number." Connor replied and I sighed.

"Wait, didn't the message say the invitation would be sent if Jackgot my number? I-I think they were going to...OH MY GOSH!!" I screamed at my realization.

"W-what?!" Connor yelled back at me in a confused tone.

"They were going to use Hank as bait, lure me into a pressured event, and get me to exchange him for...apparently AN33?" I remark.

"Elizabeth when did your mother write her notes for Cyberlife? What year?" Connor asked me.

A smile forms on my lips.

"Anderson Notes 2033, or 33...CONNOR YOUR A GENIUS!!" I yell and hear someone shush me a few booths away.

Connor laughs apologizing before passing me Jacks phone.

"I suggest calling one of his contacts to find a way to meet up with him. Then ask him about the invitation, subtly of course." Connor explains.

I look through his contacts and find someone labeled as 'Best Bro'. I presume it's Jacks friend so I called them.

"Um Hello? Hi, Jack left his phone somewhere and I have it with me. Would you mind telling him?" I greeted.

I heard a raspy voice reply.

"Oh that's cool, he's actually right here with me. Do you wanna talk with him?" The guy said. Nervously I responded. Clearing my throat I began to talk again.

"Yeah why not."

Then I heard Jack.

"Hey, Elizabeth?" Jack asked.

"Yeah it's me, how are you?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"Eh alright. Was worried about you darling, you left in a hurry but I was glad you left your number." Jack remarked.

Oh boy...

"Yes well, I knew I had to see you again~" I replied slyly. Connor was frowning at my conversation with Jack.

"Oh do you now, Cinderella? Well when can I get my phone back then?" He asked.

"Whenever you come and get it tiger." I respond in the sexiest way possible.

Trust me it was harder trying not to laugh than trying to be sexy.

"Tomorrow, 11am. How about my place?" Jack asked and I immediately felt regret.

Ugh why his house

"Uhh sure? I'll see you there." I respond and quickly hand up, not wanting to hear his voice any longer.

"Ugh, I have to be at his house at 11. This is what I get for playing with Fuck Boys." I sigh resting my head in my arms.

Connor and I left and he dropped me off at home. Before entering the doorway I wanted to talk to him.

"Connor I-I want to let you know I'm sorry." I apologize.

"No. Don't be, please know I'm more sorry than you. I should've told you, I was never going to hurt you." Connor confessed.

"Thanks. Oh- Connor?" I said getting his attention before he left.

"What did you feel...when we kissed?" I asked curious.

He blinked at me a few times before forming a small smile on his lips. His LED was Yellow.

"I don't really know, but I haven't experienced it before. I enjoyed it, thank you for tonight Elizabeth." Connor thanked me. He turned around and walked away.

"I enjoyed it too Connor, we should do it again." I replied a bit louder so he could hear, him being a few feet away.

For some reason I couldn't get the smile off my face, I...

I think I'm in love.

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