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My face grew hot realizing Connor would have listened to what I was saying, he knew French! Obviously...he's an android.

Hank laughs at my sudden embarrassment and finishes up his plate.

I ignore Connors question, still hiding my face from shyness and also finish eating.


The three of us wait patiently in an elevator going up to another crime scene, of course hank wouldn't have left me at home alone so I had to tag along.

Frankly I have no idea what I could do to help, I'm really useless here.

Connor plays with a coin, swiftly tossing it from hand to hand, I could tell hank was getting annoyed.

"Your starting to piss me off with that coin Connor." Hank says snatching the coin from him.

"Sorry lieutenant." Connor apologizes.

Without Hank noticing I slip a Quarter into Connors fingers and feel him take it.

We made it to the 79th floor as the doors opened and I noticed the frantic scene in front of us.

"Hi hank." "Shit what's goin on here a party and no one told me about it?" Hank asks a policeman and I begin to observe my surroundings.

"Even the FBI wants a piece of the action." The man tells Hank. "Ah God now we got the Feds on our back, I knew this was gonna be a shitty day." Hank complains.

"Four Androids, they attacked two guards in the hallway. Look, one bullet shot through the heart from fifty feet." The man says pointing to a corpse.

"The work only an android could do." He states and glances at Connor.

Connor and I listened to the policeman's briefing. I entered another room and saw another man glancing at Connor.

"Oh lieutenant, this is special agent Perkins from the FBI." He informs.

I can tell he's not the type to mess with.

"What's that?" Perkins asks hank notioning Connor.

"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." Connor greets.

"Androids investigating Androids huh, you sure you want an android hanging around? After everything that's happened?" He asks hank.

"Whatever, the FBI will be taking this case over so you won't need to get in the way." Perkins continues smugly.

"Pleasure meeting you." Hank sarcastically says walking away.

Before Perkins walked away he remarked; "Don't fuck up my crime scene and you, shouldn't you be in the kitchen?" Perkins asks me.

"Shouldn't you be on a cactus, Prick?" I sneer and he walks away.

"What an asshole." Hank says so himself. As Connor checks the wall with blue blood I make my way upstairs avoiding further bumps in with the FBI.

Hank and Connor trail behind me, I noticed it was snowing and looked around more.

"Got past all the guards, into parachutes, and jumped off the building. Pretty impressive." I remark and Hank nods.

They both looked around and I stared intently off the roof into the sky, it was definitely too cold and windy for anyone to have seen where they went.

I walked around and noticed Thirium trailing off of the walls here. Walking around I found a steel door that was latched. Opening it I was caught off guard seeing a blonde haired android rush out.

Suddenly I felt pain shoot through my right leg and crouched over.

"Agh FUCK! CONNOR! HANK HES HERE" I screamed through the overwhelming pain. Clutching my leg I felt Connor set me down for cover, grabbing my waist for support.

The blood drips down my thighs and I feel...heat, burning me everywhere except where I got shot.

Connor's hands wrap my cheeks and he wipes away my tears, pain shooting in my leg, red staining the snow.

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