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   The two girls jumped the fence and connor looked at me disappointingly, Hank noticed his expression and said "Its probably better this way." Connor looked puzzled looking back at the fence, his LED blinking yellow. I sighed to myself and followed Hank.


I opened the car door for Elizabeth and had gotten into the passengers seat. It was 9:57. Enough time to take her out to eat, thinking of the idea made my heart beat fast. I fidget with my hands as Hank drives us to a place to eat. 

"Look, I've got errands to do and after that shit case I dont feel like eating. I'll be back to pick you guys up around 11." Hank says and rolls the windows up. I take Elizabeth inside and I look around, it was a cozy place. Warm and small but surprisingly crowded.

"This way please." The waitress says leading us to a booth. We sat down across from each other and both got waters. 

"Those androids, they loved eachother...didn't they?" Elizabeth asks me. "I'm not sure, androids aren't capable of feeling emotion. They can go so far to imitate emotion, but not feel it." I reply still confused about the deviants. 

"So only deviants can feel? I think that's...interesting. Deviant androids seemed to have unlocked sentiment and elation, and even more. Yet but how?" She asks me curiously, her eyes wide staring into mine. She had passion with her questions bringing butterflies in my stomach. Figuratively of course.

"Deviant's are strange, none of the cases have had any resemblance or connections with eachother." I tell Elizabeth, her face falls as she seems to be thinking of something.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her curiously.

She looks at me, surprised I had asked her that and opens her mouth to speak.

"Connor, can I ask you something personal?" She asks me. "Of course."

"Never once, have you came close...or have felt any emotion?" She asks me, I'm a bit taken back but adapting to unpredictable human behavior is my special. I smile and try to give her the best answer possible.

"I...I haven't felt anything my programming hasn't set for me." I reply smiling.

Did that come off too rudely? That probably sounded ridiculous...

"They really seemed in love. It's a shame that...never mind." Elizabeth cuts herself off muttering. 

"What's a shame?" I ask, Elizabeth's face turns a light pink at me asking and purses her soft lips together.

"It's a shame not all androids could feel love, to know what emotions really feel like. Some won't be able to entrust their lives with someone else, to want to become a better person because of someone else, to give everything they have...to someone." Elizabeth says.

I look into her green eyes as she stares right back at mine. 

"You wouldn't want to feel those things though, would you Connor? After all they would get in the way of accomplishing your mission." She remarks breaking her gaze on me and on the menu.

"No I-I" I begin to reply but the waitress brings us our drinks. 

"So would you two like to order or would you need more time?" She asks us and Elizabeth smiles.

"No thank you we're reading to order now, I'll have your steak platter please." She orders. "and how would you like it?" The waitress asks.

Elizabeth looks at me, "Make it well done." she says keeping her lustful gaze on me. Her eyes glistening amorously.

"and you sir?" The waitress says getting my attention. "Oh, I'll have the same." I reply.

Truthfully I was so focused on Elizabeth I never even got to look at the menu.

"Also well done sir?" She asked me, I'd decided to tease Elizabeth and play her game also.

"Of course." I replied winking, looking at Elizabeth.

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