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I had gotten dressed in something appropriate for brunch, a fitting long sleeved striped shirt tucked in a black skirt with a jean jacket also.

Looking in the mirror I placed my slightly damp hair in a bun and threw on a red lip.

I walked out and Connor grabbed my hand and quickly led me outside. Hank was waiting for us in the car.

"Connor! M-my shoes! There inside, why are we in a rush?" I ask as Hank honks the horn. Connor blankly looks at my eyes and hands me a pair of long tight black boots.

"Oh...thanks?" I remark and put them on. He watches me struggle with the zipper and zips up one of my boots as I get the other one, still hurrying.

He opens the door and I sit in the car.

"I don't want to seem annoying but WHY THE FUCK ARE WE RUSHING TO BREAKFAST?" I yelled.

Hank looks at me through the mirror and gives me a stare. "Elizabeth we just are." Hank replies and Connor gives me an unsure glance.


Was something wrong? Hank orders me to quickly eat with Elizabeth, now there's a suspicious look he's giving her...what happened between them?

We make it to where we were eating brunch and sit at the table, Elizabeth's eyes stared down the menu as Hank only sighed at the lack of drinks.

Suddenly her phone began to buzz on the table.

"Sorry." Elizabeth mutters taking the call.

"Oh mon Dieu! Sam, ça fait longtemps! Comment allez-vous?" Elizabeth greeted the caller, I noticed she was speaking fluent French...Quickly I translated.

-Oh my gosh! Sam, it's been ages! How are you?-

How does Elizabeth know French...

"Je viens juste de déménager ... non, je ne sors avec personne ... eh bien, en fait." She continues as I eavesdrop her conversation while translating.

-I just moved...no I haven't been dating anyone...well actually.-

Elizabeth says those last words glancing over at me but quickly looks somewhere else when she noticed my eyes.

"J'ai rencontré un beau ... ami, appelons le." She says smiling.

-I've met a handsome...friend, let's call him.-

I hear giggling on the other line. Elizabeth was calmly standing near the front door so I tried my best to hear her words.

"Il est un badass avec un bon cul." Elizabeth remarks...I noticed she put in An English word...

-He's a badass with a good ass- I translate and almost choke on my drink.

I hear her laugh and bid her friend goodbye before hanging up. Walking back I tried my best to seem like I wasn't listening to her conversation.

I clear my throat and just watched Hanks md Elizabeth eat their food. My face couldn't cool down from her conversation earlier, trying to hide my blush I looked out the window with my hand over my cheek.

I shouldn't be so embarrassed...I don't understand why I'm...feeling this?

These thoughts filled my head but I shook them off and put on a confident smile.

"Where did you learn French?" I asked Elizabeth, but instead of asking her in English I asked her in French.

Her eyes lit up when she heard my voice and smiled at me, then after a second her face suddenly grew really red.

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