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I saw Elizabeth's lips form a smile as she said that. A car drove past us fast and driver over a puddle getting Elizabeth, who was on the end of the sidewalk, soaking wet.

"Oh my God! I'm drenched." Elizabeth says laughing, I couldn't resist laughing with her on how she looked.

Still after getting soaked she looked beautiful

"Here, take my jacket. At least it's dry." I offer and begin to take it off.

"No Connor I'm fine. You don't need to-" She tried to decline my offer.

"Elizabeth I'm not going to let you walk home like that. Wear it, I insist." I reply putting my jacket on her. She reluctantly wears it pouting at me.

"Pneumonia isn't good for pretty girls like you Elizabeth." I 'scold' her and a frown forms on her face.

Laughing at her cuteness for a few seconds I forgot about my mission, who I was, and Hank.

All I could think about was her.

Thinking of her I noticed the heels she was wearing, she must be exhausted.

"Connor, could we call a Cab? I'm regretting wearing heels today." Elizabeth asks laughing at herself.

I look down at Elizabeth's eyes. Before she could say anything else I picked her up and threw her over my shoulders.

"C-Connor!? What the hell!" Elizabeth yelled laughing. I resume walking towards Hanks house.

For some reason I couldn't lose the smile that was stuck on my face.

Is it appropriate to feel like the Terminator?

No. Just no. Connor that's stupid.

Elizabeth was still struggling over my shoulder, I couldn't stop laughing at her. Then I noticed I was actually holding Elizabeth over my shoulder and came back to my senses.

I'm touching...Elizabeth...and holding her over...my shoulder...WHAT AM I DOING THIS IS NOT ME

"Ugh. Connor, can you just let me walk in pain." Elizabeth asks me moaning, still over my shoulder.

"Would you rather I carry you in my arms? It would seem more conventional than looking at my ass Ms. Anderson" I remark and could feel Elizabeth's temperature rise.

There was a short silence from her before I heard her voice again.

"Fine." She mutters and I place her in my arms bridal style, her arms around my neck and her cheeks were a light shade of pink, her eyes staring at me widely.

I couldn't help but to stare at her, she was beautiful. The word kept coming up for her, she was simply stunning. How this human could ever spend this much time with an android and not hate them is surprising.

She looked up at me this time her eyes dropping, she was tired.

"Connor...was this a date?" She asked.

Why am I nervous, I shouldn't be feeling this way...

"Only if you'd like."

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