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    I looked at him with amusement as those last words left his mouth, the waitress kindly left us and all I was left with was my water and his smirking lips.

"So I figure you know most things about me already, my height, age, relationship with Hank..." I speak. His smile loosens hearing me say this.

"Actually I wouldn't mind to know more about you Miss. Anderson. What brought you to Detroit?" Connor asks me. "My father got a promotion and was transferred here. It was easier to move in with my uncle, Hank, who didn't really care." I explain.

"What did you do before Detroit?" He asks, his brown eyes gazing on me.

I could get lost staring at him, his features we're hotter than the bottom of my laptop...

"I worked as an artist, I helped at a paint shop and sold some of my work occasionally. It didn't pay much but I'm happier than most of my old classmates." I told Connor, his eyes widened as I told him.

"Really? Well I have to see your work then." Connor says smiling.

That smile, that damn smile had me weak.

"Your not like most models, you said you were a prototype right?" I asked.

Connors face dropped as if he'd remembered he were an android, I didn't mean to come off as rude. I started to feel bad and apologized.

"S-sorry! No, I didn't mean to be rude. Your different I mean WAIT NO T-THATS! I d-don't mean that in a bad w-way...I" I stutter over my words trying to speak, Connor smile's at my slip up and laughs.

"Yeah your right. Cyberlife's RK800, designed to work beside the police. If this case is successful than I certainly won't be the only android with this model." Connor explains and I sigh reassured he wasn't offended.

"Here you both go, tell me if anything is wrong. Enjoy." The waitress says handing us our food.

I begin eating but notice Connor hadn't even touched his food. His face leaned on his hand, his eyes on me.

"I completely forgot you didn't need to eat. Why did you order?" I ask laughing. He smiles and looks at his food.

"Elizabeth to be honest with you...I don't know." Connor says shrugging. Noticing his bluntness we both start laughing.

How could you be so...perfect.

The night went on and Connor and I finished our food, well I finished both our plates, and went outside.

"It's 10:54, hank should be here anytime now...do you-"

"Do you want to take a walk?" Connor asked interrupting me. I smiled at the idea and nodded.

We walked down the sidewalk past the city's lights and under neath the moon.

I noticed where we were, it wasn't far from Hanks house. Just a brisk 15 minute walk...I think.

"What's on your mind Elizabeth?" He asks me noticing my thinking.

"We're close to Hanks house, right Connor?" I reply. He stops walking and looks at me intently.

"Do you want to go home? I can call Hank and tell him to meet us there if you want." He proposes and I smile at his kindness.

I seem to always smile with Connor, my face hurts.

"Hank, its me Connor. I'm taking Elizabeth home so don't worry about picking us up. I'll see you there." Connor says, I presume Hank didn't answer the phone.

We start walking again but this time it was slower, and we were...closer.

"I had a good time tonight. You?" Connor asked me.

"Yeah...me too."

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