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I watched, Hanks arms still comforting me. I could tell He hadn't hugged someone in a long time.

"Darling when you see this someone's killed me, and it wasn't an accident. Remember when I told you that your mother worked for Cyberspace? Well that was true, but unfortunately when finding the core artificial intelligence mechanisms on deviant development Amanda...she wanted your mothers information." My dad explains, his expression full of pain.

Hank had stopped comforting me and made his way into the kitchen, more beer I presume. I dismiss his vacantness and resume watching.

"My little Eliza...I love you so much. Your mother didn't die in a car crash. She was killed by Amanda's men at Cyberlife, a droid killed her." He said making my heart drop.

Why...just for more answers?

"Your mother left her notes to you Elizabeth. Until you were old enough I own them but Cyberlifes men still are out for us. I will most likely die holding onto these notes, after this video. We never moved for a job promotion...we moved for security." He says.

Tears still flowed from my eyes, this time slowed but even more than earlier.

Hank entered, his eyes red and his expression terrible.

"Hank. I'm not leaving you, this is my decision. Whether their going to kill me or not...you're the only family I have." I beg and Hank sighs.

"Your the closest thing I have to a kid...I don't want you to leave either. Just...don't do anything crazy...alright?" Hank says. His caring words make me force a smile.

"I-I can't tell Connor about this...can I?" I ask Hank. His eyes widen but he sips his beer before answering me.

"I don't think it's best if you do, I can tell you like him but you don't have a future with that android. Hell! He won't have a future with anyone-"

"Don't say that about Connor, he's an android but Deviants are growing." I remark. Hanks expression turns cold.

"What do you expect Elizabeth? To settle down with him and have Human-Droid babies? That's fucking impossible!" Hank yells at me.

"FUCK WHAT HUMANS THINK OF THEM! You think I don't SEE what's happening? Their changing! Their not just machines Hank!" I yell back.

A long pause occurs as Hank chuckles and shakes his head.

"You have it bad for that boy don't you Elizabeth?" Hank asks me.

"I-I...I see no reason for a human not to fall in love with an android." I reply slightly embarrassed but form with my words

There's more silence as we both sulk in what just happened, an argue, a death and crying all in the room, I then begin to speak.

"Is it that obvious?"

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER 😅 It's summer and I'm trying to vacation but also write so know I'm trying my best!! Thanks for reading and stay tuned and share this story with your Connor loving friends!! A lot is gonna happen...OH BTW If you have any thoughts or critics totally DM me! I want to know what you guys think 😊

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