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I had been called by Amanda, Looking around the garden I couldn't see her.

I gazed off at the beautiful plants when I noticed her figure up ahead across the small water.

Walking beside her she stares at me grimly. I knew I had done something wrong.

"You seem to be troubled Connor. What's the matter?" She asks me. We begin to walk across the path.

"I-I am confused about the investigation." I reply, but she knew I was lying.

"Are you, or is this confusion involving Elizabeth?" She asked.

"No I...my relationship with her has no importance unless it involves accomplishi-"

"Accomplishing your mission I know." She said finishing my sentence.

She stops walking so I turned around to face her.

"We've discussed this already. Elizabeth has information Cyberlife needs. It is crucial you either obtain them from her or eliminate Elizabeth." Amanda orders me.

I watch her eyes look at me with slight anger, All I could do was nod.

"There is no other option Connor." Amanda remarks.

"What will Cyberlife do once the notes are recovered?" I ask. She scoffs at my question and began walking again.

"That isn't important to your task. You either kill her or use her. Anything else puts your makers in jeopardy!" She hisses at me annoyed.

Sighing, Amanda closes her eyes.

My heart hurts at the idea.

The choice of killing Elizabeth, after all she's done for me.

"It's the only way. The choice is yours Connor, will you kill her?" Amanda asked me. My heart pounded fast, I had to...choose.

"No, I'll obtain the notes. I'll have them along with the completion of my mission." I stated putting a small smile on Amanda's face.

The smile of the Devil


I got out the car and looked up at bright LED lights shining on me.

Slipping the driver cash he drove away leaving me alone. I walked in and felt eyes piercing my back. It was crowded already, no surprise.

At the bar counter I ordered a few shots. No harm in relaxing a bit, I haven't done much today but get shot.

"Hey, I'm looking for Jack." I asked the bartender and he nodded. I was a bit taken back but the bartender came back after a minute.

"He will be with you shortly. Wait here." He told me and I followed his instructions.

I noticed someone walk in, his dark brown eyes catching my breath. Quickly I dowsed my shot before looking away trying to hid myself from him.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and slowly turned around to see Connor smiling at me.

God I haven't seen that smile in ages...

"Good Evening Mrs. Anderson. I didn't expect to see you here, Might I ask why your here?" He asked.

"That's a good question Connor. Might I ask why your following me?" I asked with a smirk.

I knew this wasn't coincidence, Hank must've told him I was here.

That or...he had read the note?

Suddenly I felt Connors breath near my shoulder, he had taken a seat next to me.

"Elizabeth, why are you putting yourself in such danger here?" He asked me making me slam my glass down.

"Do you KNOW something? Who told you I was here?" I asked coldly. I knew things weren't right.

"It isn't safe here, men are looking for you-"

"Well hello there gorgeous, Jack. Jack Smith." A man cut in introducing himself.

So this was Jack...

I stood up, ignoring Connor and reached for his hand.

"Pleasure meeting you." I said shaking it. He grinned and looked me up and down biting his lip.

"Oh! Let me get you a drink." He offered but I waved him off. "No thank you, I had a couple of shots already. Long day yknow." I replied and he smiled.

"I know what you mean. Follow me. It's too crowded here." He said and Began to walk.

I looked back at the seat behind me and saw Connor had left. For a split second I felt alone but knew I had no other choice.

I followed Jack and he opened a room with a few others in it already. Two burly men were standing near the doors and one other man was seated on a couch. Jack sat me down.

"I presume you read the note?" He asked.

"Yes, a bit curt I could say but mysterious as well." I remark getting a chuckle.

"Sorry about that, I didn't want your Uncle or anyone else to come." Jack said pouring me a glass of wine.

"Jack, why am I here?" I asked hoping to get answers.

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