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My eyes felt heavy as my legs went numb, yet still I could feel my heart pumping so quickly I knew I was going to pass out.

"Connor...Please-" I mutter feeling his hand on my cheek.

"Focus on me Elizabeth. Don't worry, I have you. Your going to be ok...TRUST ME! Please." Connor says raising his voice begging me.

I could only nod trying to pay attention to Hank catching the Deviant who shot me.

The guards killed him. He laid there dead and I could only watch, his death or my bleeding. Connors eyes distracted me as he took his tie and wrapped it around my thigh where the wound was.

Then suddenly I couldn't lift my eyes anymore and let them shut. Peacefully I stop paying attention.

I woke up to a constant beeping noise, instinctively I thought it was my alarm clock and didn't bother to open my eyes.

"Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep."

Trying to turn it off I slam my hand over the bed but notice nothings there. I accidentally almost knock over flowers that were in a vase...

Opening my eyes I see Connor putting the vase back and Hank leaning by the window laughing.

Around me were bland walls and white lights. I was in the hospital.

"Shit...I-I'm so sorry..." I started getting Hank and Connors attention.

"You didn't do anything wrong, We wouldn't have caught the deviant if it weren't for you." Connor reassured me.

I sat up and saw the tube going in my arm, trying to get out of bed I felt a pain shoot up through my right leg.

"Agh! FU-" I begin to swear but Hank scolds me. "Woah there kiddo! Stop moving! You need to stay in bed. You just got shot." He says.

I moved slowly and place both my legs over the bed. Connors eyes were staring at the bandages over my thigh.

"Connor I'm fine. Don't worry." I whisper trying to relieve him. His face seemed distraught but he forced a smile for me. He seemed to care about what happened.

"How long since I got shot? An hour?" I ask. Hank chuckles and walks towards my bed.

"It's been around 4 hours. We left once you got hurt and took you here. Connor stayed the whole time to make sure you were fine." He explains.

I smile thanking Connor but he simply nods

Something was different today. Was Connor alright?

I think to myself as Hank makes his way towards the nurse.

"So when she's gonna be able to go out? Maybe tonight?" He asks and the nurse gives him an unsure look.

"The doctor wanted her to rest until tomorrow morning, although...she might be able to leave now. I'll get her medication." She replies before walking out.

The hospital gown was extremely short, so short it seemed to barley cover my ass. I tried to quickly stand up to change but found it difficult not to feel sore.

Hissing through the pain I tried to walk. I walked about 4 feet before I tripped and almost fell. Connor grabbed my arm and waist, he helped me walk to my clothes.

"Fuck, I'm so useless..." I mutter under my breath. Connor looks at me and squints. "Elizabeth, for as long as I've known you, you have only helped me complete my mission. What do you mean?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

I sigh and let go of his arm. "I mean; I wouldn't be able to do...anything! If it weren't for you." I exclaimed throwing my arms.

Sighing I walked to the other side of the bed with my clothes and began to rant.

"You say I've helped you on your mission when in reality I feel like such a...nuisance!" I exclaimed not looking at Connor who was sitting in the chair across the hospital bed.


Elizabeth rants as she began to slip off her hospital gown. I averted my eyes trying not to look and scanned...the...um flowers.

Lilies. Interesting.

"I'm no good to Hank, and not much help to you either. Because I'm a helpless woman no one can find the heart to tell me to get out of the way!" She yelled to herself. I glanced over at her and saw her half way done, only in her shirt, underwear and white tube socks.


Part of me was ordering me to leave but the other half wanted to stay and listen to her.

"Tell me Connor. What am I to you?" She asked me halting her process of changing.

Thinking about it, I couldn't place her in a category of relation. Elizabeth is...different.

"M-my support I suppose..." I answered slightly unsure.

She stares at me as If trying to take in my answer but looks away and finishes changing. I heard her wince in pain as she bent over to get her boots on so I helped her.

Zipping up her boots she looked at me, distraught whispering to herself;

"How can I be...when I can't even support myself."

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