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Everyone fled Jericho, the ship was blown up but many Androids escaped.

I walked around thinking about everything that's happened.

While thinking Alice and her mother came up to me, surprised I smiled softly.

"Hi, little one! How are you holding up, is everything going ok?" I asked hoping she was happy.

She smiled at me shyly and looked up at her mom.

"Oh, I'm Kara. Alice's...mom." She greeted me hesitant on saying, mom. She was a Deviant, I knew for sure but I couldn't tell if Alice were human or not.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth. I'm sorry Markus couldn't come to see you guys, I had no idea we were going to be attacked. I'm just happy you guys made it out safely." I sighed.

"Yep, but we're not safe until we make it to the border. We're hoping to make it to Canada by tomorrow." Kara explained clearly exhausted.

I wanted to help them, but I wasn't sure how.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe soon. Just stay together...protect her with your life." I assured trying to comfort her.

"Thank you." She replied honestly. I bent down to speak to Alice and held her hands.

"You stay warm with Kara, ok? She loves you so much and doesn't want you to freeze. Here, take this." I offered handing her my hat.

Alice put on the small beanie and smiled, looking back at her mom to show her. Kara smiled at her small companion and thanked me again, grateful for my help.

It not much but it was all I could do...

It wasn't long before Connor walked my way. He had seen me give my hat to the young one and was smiling at me.

"Connor I have to go," I confessed. My hands began to fidget waiting for his response.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I-I need to see Hank. He needs me Connor." I sighed sad I had to leave him here alone.

I felt his hand stroke my cheek slowly, I hugged him afraid it would be long until we saw each other again.

"I'll be ok Elizabeth. Just...stay safe." He advised me. I smiled at his caring words.

"You too ok? Your compromised Connor. Who knows what they'll do if they find you. Be careful." I whispered not wanting anyone to listen.

He leaned in and kissed me before a smile curled on his lips.

"I will. Tell Hank I said...Hello." Connor said beginning to walk away.

"I will!" I replied before he was out of my sight. Sighing I set off to see Hank.


"They know me, Markus! I will be able to infiltrate Cyberlife and get as many free as I can."

"They will kill you, Connor! It's too dangerous. We can't endanger any more of our people." Markus warned me.

"That's why I'm going alone," I replied and saw his face sink.

He sighed giving up on trying to pursue me otherwise and grabbed my shoulder.

"Good luck. I'm with you, Connor." He remarked and I smiled back.

"I won't need it."

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