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I wanted to open the door badly, I knew she was in there with that...spy.

Before they left I scanned Jack. He worked for Cyberlife and was tasked to get information on the location of the notes. Amanda had sent a plan B in case I couldn't accomplish my mission.

Amanda is a bitch.

Now I'm here waiting patiently for Elizabeth to walk out, alive.

My palms began to sweat from the thought of her getting hurt again. I wanted to kick open the door and steal her away from the men in there.

I sat still staring at the door waiting.

Jack seemed to notice Elizabeth's appearance more than my existence alone. I could tell he felt something towards her.

I wasn't jealous or anything just...



"Listen Elizabeth, I need to know about the notes." Jack said putting his hand on my knee.

Jack you sly motherfucker

My posture relaxed as I had an idea why I was here. Information, my mother's work. Makes sense for Cyberlife to send some cute agent to try to get them, but this won't work on me.

"If you don't comply, we've got Hank. Any lie you tell us puts him at risk..."

"Oh, that's it? Just some notes? I can get them for you." I replied in a naive manner. Jack grins satisfied with my response.

"Should I pick them up, or do you want to meet me again?" He asked in a devious tone still grinning. Smirking I placed my hand on his chest and sat closer.

"On one condition." I whispered seductively. Jack went hard as I did this and I tried my best not to laugh.

This was too easy.

"I'll give you my number after a dance." I continued and Jack smiled.

"Easy enough." He replies smirking.

I led him off the couch and outside the door. I noticed Connor glaring at me but stopped once seeing me hold Jacks hand.

"Let's see if you know how to dance pretty boy." I remarked and he scoffed. Gripping my waist I could see what I needed in his pocket.

His cellphone.

He twirled me once and I could see his phone get farther away.

I just needed less space.

Trying to think of something I bent down sliding my hands down his chest and onto his legs.

"Man this guy gets hard easily" I mutter under my breath and look up at Jack.

His eyes were closed thinking he was going to get some action, sucker, when I reached in his coat pocket and slowly pulled out his phone.


I jumped up and began to walk away, only making it 3 feet when I heard him call for me.

"H-hey, Elizabeth! So...your number?" He asked stuttering and I sighed.

"Oh right"I replied mumbling

I wrote down some random digits and finished before someone grabbed my hand and rushed me away, Jack waving bye.

"W-what, Connor!" I yelled, he didn't loosen his grip and kept walking to the restrooms. Turning around the corner he pinned me up against the wall and slammed his lips on mine.

Surprised my eyes widened, my wrists gripped tightly in his hands. The kiss was rough and Connor took control, slowly letting go his breath touched my neck.

"Good work Ms. Anderson, but don't do that again." Connor remarked showing a small smile.

I was stunned and didn't move

Was Connor... jealous?

He walked off and I noticed he stole Jacks phone from me. I sneaked out the club and followed Connor into a Cab.

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