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I came up from under water and looked around, she let go of me as we jumped.

"Where's Elizabeth?" I asked searching for her.

No no no no no no


I went back underwater and tried to look for her, I saw her hand floating above her head slowly sinking.

Swimming frantically to save her I held onto her waist and swam up to shore. She looked so peaceful, as if she were sleeping.

But she hadn't been sleeping- She was going to suffocate!

I brought her up to shore and laid her on the cold ground, Marcus and everyone's eyes were glued on her unconscious body soaking wet here.

"Will she be alright? Her heart rates-"

"I KNOW! Just-let me...I don't know what to do..." I muttered frustrated.

"My sensory indicates death in 3 minutes Connor..." Marcus warned me.

"Connor do something for God's Sake! She's going to DIE!" North yelled at me, I was beyond stressed.

I tried quickly pressing her stomach quickly, putting my ear to her chest I heard her heart race.

Without any thought I pressed my lips onto hers and breathed. I tried this two times before pressing her stomach again...but this didn't seem to work.

"Elizabeth! ELIZABETH PLEASE!" I yelled scared.

Her body still laid there, frozen...and still.

"WAKE UP PLEASE! TALK TO ME!" I screamed pressing harder trying to save her.

I was getting faster before quitting, exhausted. All I could do was lay my head to hear her her heart beat, slower and slower.

"Please...not now. Don't leave me again..." I begged, I glanced at everyone else and noticed North was crying.

"She doesn't have long Connor...we need to take her to the hospital!"

Marcus yelled but Josh told him going there wasn't safe.

What did I do to deserve her? WHAT DID SHE DO TO DESERVE THIS?

My hands couldn't stay still, every nerve shaking looking at her. Cold and wet lying here...

The silence killed everyone, it shot me like bullets.

I shut my eyes tightly trying not to tear up, I couldn't look at anything.

Suddenly I heard a gasp before loud coughing, she...She woke up-turning on her side clutching her stomach.

She was wheezing frantically before coughing up even more, I snapped out of my mourning and tried to help.

After throwing up she began to breath heavily not looking at anyone, shaking unsteady.

There was only silence as she looked at me shocked. Her shaky hand reached my cheek and her scared eyes began to smile at me.

North stopped sobbing and slowly walked towards Elizabeth, she brought her up to her feet and hugged her all in silence.

Marcus did the same coming over hugging them both, I couldn't help myself to join in too.

"Humans are so fragile..." Elizabeth muttered.

We all silently agreed as Josh joined us too.

"I'm never going swimming again." She remarked letting us all chuckle with relief.

I love her so much,
I love her too much.

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