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"Hank? I'm home..." I shouted opening the door slowly. I walked around, not getting an answer.

Looking for Hank it seemed the house was empty besides Sumo and I, he jumped and put his paws on my knee's excited to see me.

"Hey boy! I missed you too. Where's Hank-" I asked but heard a faint clicking noise.


I rushed to the kitchen and saw him at the table, looking at a picture of Cole. I ran and forcibly took the gun from pointing at himself and threw it on the ground.

"Hank, please stop! I-i can't see you like this." I exclaimed trying to get him to face me, he could only place his gaze on his son's photo.

I grabbed the picture and looked at my little cousin. I loved him so much, but after he died I couldn't think of him.

Now Hank...

"Hank! Look at him! Cole wouldn't want you like this! DONT DO THIS TO YOURSELF!" I screamed so broken. Hanks eyes just looked at me glossed over. My eyes were tearing up seeing Hank in this state.

"What would I do? I have no dad, no cousin either GODDAMNIT HANK NOT EVEN MY MOTHER!" I screamed, Hanks eyes widened letting his tears drip off his cheek.

Hank slowly stood up as I stared at my little cousin's school photo. I tried wiping my tears to stop my tears from getting on his picture. Then I felt Hanks arms wrap around me. His silent sobs coming out as uneven breathing.

"I can't lose you Hank. Your my Uncle. My family..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry kid, I just miss him. I miss him so much." Hank replied in a raspy voice.

Hank let go of me and smiled at the photo I was holding. Taking it he set it on the table, just as the doorbell rang.

"Is Connor with you?" Hank asked me.

"No he told me he was staying in Jericho..." I replied. "Get the door I'll try to find something good on TV for us to watch." Hank yelled from another room.

I walked to the door to see Connor standing there, he looked mad.

"Connor? What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Wanted to make sure your ok. I was worried about you Elizabeth." Connor replied, his tone almost sounding robotic.

The door shut behind me as Connor held my hand, he was getting closer to me.

"C-Connor is everything alright?" I questioned unsure of him.

"Of course Baby." Connor replied and forcibly kissed me, my eyes widened in shock and I instinctively pushed him away.

"What's wrong with you? Connor!" I yelled as suspicion filled my mind.

He seemed to scan me as his LED flickered yellow before reaching its normal blue state.

"It's a shame, I thought I could do this less painfully." He murmured grabbing something in his pocket.

I turned around to enter the house but the door was closed locking me outside.

"HA-" my scream was cut off as I felt something sting my neck.

Connor had stabbed me with a syringe, smirking at my stupidity he stood there looking at me.

"You fucking android! I'm going to-too" I muttered feeling my legs go numb.

I fell to the ground feeling exhausted

"Your going to what, Elizabeth?" He scoffed looking down on me.

My eyes felt heavy and I let them fall loosing strength.

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