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I hadn't heard from Elizabeth since last night, my heart ached thinking of her.

Looking at myself in the mirror I know nothing had changed but felt something. I wasn't the same.

Deciding to take sumo for a walk I pass by a flower shop. The man seemed to own a small business so I went in to look around.

Roses brushed my cheek as I bent down to smell the Lilies that we're under them.

Bouquets of common tulips and Daisy's we're still on the racks, not much to choose from since it was winter. Then a bright rose flower struck my eyes, scanning it I saw it was a Camellia...

A flower is known to be found in Asia and most notably China. How...is one here?

"Sir, I couldn't help to notice a rare Camellia here. When did you get it, these are native to Asia?" I ask curiously.

"This flower is special to me, on my yearly trip to my hometown I decided to bring one here. It's a miracle it's survived so far." the shopkeeper explained.

Without any thought, I bought it from him.

Right then I got a call from Elizabeth.


"Hey, Connor! I-i am officially invited to Cyberlife's Gala. Jack said-"

"Are you going with him?" I asked cutting her off.

"u-uh...yes. I wouldn't be able to go if it weren't for him. It's a formal event so dress nicely." She replied hesitantly.

I paused for a moment then asked her what was bugging me.

"Are you and Jack going on a date?" I asked.

"CONNOR NO, No no no! I'm not. Stop thinking I have any interest in him...I'm not into those kinds of men." Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Oh. I think I understand. I apologize for asking." I replied. I hear her sigh and there's a short pause.

"So what men do you like?"


Elizabeth's words were heard by the shopkeeper and he chuckles as she hangs up.

"Go get her lad, I remember being in love like that...the thrill of it all...don't waste time. Go for her." He told me, I had no idea what to say.

"I-i don't understand what to say to her! I have no idea how to-"

"How to make your move? Well, you can start by saying 'You're beautiful'." He explained.

"Oh, ok. 'Im beautiful'" I replied and hear the shopkeeper laugh.

"Not IM, YOU, as in HER!" He tells me and I pause for a moment to understand.

"Oh, I think I understand. She...is very beautiful." I confess. My hand skims my cheek, I was heating up.

I bid the man goodbye holding the flower I had bought.

"Don't lose that girl, go get her." He said bidding me goodbye.

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