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I woke up and moaned with a smile, I immediately thought of the night before. Connor, and the kiss he shared with me. For a minute I thought it was a dream.

Nope, we actually kissed...HE KISSED ME!

I ate breakfast humming, I was in a happy mood.

Then I saw the time.

"FUCK ITS 10:16 I NEED TO LEAVE FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I screamed my mood immediately changing. I ran into my room dropping my bowl of cereal, it spilling on the floor.


I quickly changed into a bright yellow long sleeve T and threw on navy overalls. I snatched a scrunchie and tied my hair into a VERY messy bun and put on my red high top converse without tying them.

Trying not to trip I hailed a cab and jumped in, once I sat calmly I tied my shoes.

I screamed at the driver the address Jacks 'Best Bro' sent me and groaned.

"Why today??" I muttered asking God Why today I had to see some...jackass.

I watched the window and began to think about Connor again.

Should I have told him to pick me up at Jacks...what if something went wrong?

No. I have it under  control. You have it under control Elizabeth. Don't worry!

I reassured myself. I wasn't really sure if I was right though.

Finally the Cab stopped and I saw the apartment. Seemed, ok? I knocked nervously. Suddenly the door swung open with Jack, his hair gel'd and his shirt tucked.

Geez man this isn't the 50's.

"Hey Baby. I've been waiting." Jack greeted.

"You must've waited 2 minutes then. It's 11:02." I remarked dryly.

Elizabeth be smooth and naive, he has to dig you!

"Oh I mean, Thanks baby!" I said trying to retain my "Dumb Blonde" persona.

I believe most Fuck Boys, like Jack, find them attractive.

"Come on in." He said letting me in. I came in and he took my coat. I handed him his phone and sat down.

"So whatcha been up too doll? Have you missed me?" Jack asked, I tried my best not to puke in my mouth.

"Nothing. So jack-"

"Baby girl you look thirsty, Coffee? Tea? Beer? It's never too early for alcohol." Jack asked getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"U-um no. No thanks I'm good." I'm replied annoyed he cut me off.

He sat back down, beer in hand. This time closer to me.

"Jack, do you wanna do something. Oh I don't know, something specifically special?" I asked in a naive manner.

His eyes widened at the question.

"Well I have just the invitation, there's a Gala...tonight actually. Cyberlife is throwing a 10 year anniversary 'ball' sort of say..." Jack explains and I lift an eyebrow.

"Where?" I bluntly ask breaking character.

"Um Reuben's Mannor. It's a large place, great for-"

"I'll totally go with you, it sounds exciting!" I remark like a valley girl.

Ugh I sound so annoying.

"Now when is it?" I ask.

"Tonight at 9. It's supposed to go on until 12 and it's invites only, super VIP. I'm allowed to bring a plus one...wanna go baby girl?" Jack asked placing his arm around me.

I flinched but forced a smile for him.

"Definitely! What's the attire?" I ask.

"Extremely classy, I'll be wearing a Tuxedo. You should dress to impress." Jack replied.

"Oh then I'll make sure to bring something real sexy for you." I replied winking. I took so much force not to get up and sprint off.

I would Usain Bolt my way out of his apartment right now if it weren't for Hank.

Jack put one of his hands on my thigh making a move on me, I was getting extremely uncomfortable at his actions and quickly stood up.

"I-oh my gosh! I need to get back to work, but I'll see you tonight, ok?" I exclaimed rushing for the door.

"Oh yeah, I'll pick you up at-"

"I'll meet you there, BYE!" I screamed and shut the door.


I just hope he won't pull any stunts tonight

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