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WELL HELLO THERE; Just a warning (I guess lmao YOUVE BEEN WARNED) That theres singing...? LOL So if you dont know the song 'Crazy' By Gnarls Barkely than you can watch the video (up above) or go on youtube to look it up. It's a nice song so you won't regret it!! ;)


A part of me wanted to tell him to get his hands off me, the other wanted his approval...like a daughter wanting to please her mother. I needed to complete her work, crazy as that sounds...I need whats left of my mother.

"Yes Elijah..." I asked sighing.

"Can you sing?" My eyes shoot open from his sudden question. I couldn't sing, appeasing a large crowd was impossible for me, I had a terrible voice...I really CANT.

"No, No...no way in hell am I going to sing. Not here anyway!" I exclaim throwing my arms. His expression proved that he was amused.

"Darling If you want information I must have something in return. The party planner lost this gala's singer 2 days ago. As much as I love listening to classical and Jazz...I want to hear a voice." He replied handing me a glass. A waitress came quickly to fill both our glasses with champagne, then scurried off.

Dear lord...I can't! Obviously singing was worth it but I cant sing. What If I disappointed Elijah and I loose his notes along with huge embarrassment? 

"Ms. Anderson, my weakness is patience. Are you going to entertain me or not?" His voice echoed through my thoughts, my head was spinning.

This is crazy. I'm fucking crazy for saying this,

"You better keep your promise, Elijah." I sneered and Walked off. I didn't know where I was walking away too but I somehow ran into Jack.

"Hey, where were you? I was-"

"Shut. thefuck. up." I gritted through my teeth having lost all my patience, after this mission I hoped to never see this mouth breather again.

"W-what, uhm?"

I walked past him bumping his shoulder aside and made my way to the band, once again finishing up another song.

'Elizabeth, you've got this. Just...sing?'

"Gentlemen, Kamski has requested I sing. How are you boys at 2000's?" I asked.

"Depends, what song?" One of the men asked handing me a mic. The song I had in mind gave me memories with my dad and I. Singing in the car, or at home. 

"Ever heard of 'Crazy' by Gnarls Barkley?" I asked and a few of them smiled, "Of course. C'mon boys, on my count."

The music started, leaving me with chills. It was a bit slower than the original...and darker.

"I remember when...I remember when I lost my mind." I began to sing, shutting my eyes to avoid the stares of everyone. My hands gripped the mic which I put on the stand.

"There was something so pleasant about that place..." I sung, my heart throbbing, eyes shut tightly. 

I thought of Connor, his eyes, his face...he brought me so much joy. The thought of him gave me a smirk while I sang.

"Even your emotions had an echo, and so much space." I sang smiling. Opening my eyes slightly I saw Connor across the room staring at me, my heart began to throb.

Just the then the band began to play differently, letting another beat dropped as my words were voiced.

"and when your out there, without car yeah I was out of touch...but its wasn't because I didn't know enough!" I exclaimed and began to walk off the stage and into the crowd. I felt my heart pumping and adrenaline kicking in. Walking off that stage lifted a weight off my shoulders letting my voice grow louder.

"I just knew too much..." I breathed.

'Just like with dad.'

"Does that make me craaazy? Does that make me crazyyy? Possibly..." I sang, a few people whistled at my voice singing higher. 

I walked past jack and he dropped his drink, mouth wide open. Kamski was watching me grinning deviously at my performance.

Mt steps matched the music's beat, making my way still singing through the crowd. His eyes met mine and his small smile shot through me.

"and I hope that you are having, the time of your life." I vocalize, my eyes stuck on Connor's.

"Well think twice...that's my only advise." I breathed, the crowd seemed to make a path for me to walk to Connor. I still sang but felt my words getting darker every time I spoke.


"Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?"  Her voice rang in my head. She was questioning me...gazing at me.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her in closely. Taking the mic from her I began to sing, her still in my arms.

"Bless your soul...you really think your in control?" I sang questioning her raising an eyebrow.

She smirked watching me sing for her, I didn't notice how many eyes were on us.

"Well I think your crazy."

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