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I made my entrance, past the guards. Unfortunately they insisted to lead me for examination...clearly, they weren't going to know what I planned to do.

Following the two guards, they entered the elevator before I did.

They picked floor 43, but I needed to be on 61.

As we went up I heard the elevator ding for each floor we passed, I had to do something quickly to make it.

I jabbed my elbow and hit the guard to my right and dodged the lefts shot. Kicking him I took his gun and shot the right guard before knocking the left guard with his own gun.

I clicked floor 43 before noticing the security cameras. I saw the group of security guards lined up waiting for the elevator to stop and open.

"Shit" I muttered looking at the cameras.

The door opened and I stood still using the dead guard's body as a shield taking his gun and pointing it at the soldiers.

Swiftly leaving the door I shot 3 guards quickly before throwing the body shield at another man. While he fell I shot him and the one other guard.

Unloading the gun I threw it on the ground and walked away from their bodies proceeding to my mission.

I need to free these Androids.

Hundreds of them just standing to wait for someone to free them. I walked closer and was about to convert one of the models when I heard something.

I heard someone's voice muffled, turning my eyes I saw...an exact copy of myself.

There he pointed a gun at Elizabeth who had tape over her mouth and her hands tied behind her back.

"Step back Connor!" The RK800 yelled at me placing his gun to her temple, her eyes looking at mine with fear.

"and I'll spare her." He continued. I didn't waver my hand from the model android.

Elizabeth tried to say something but her screams were muffled, I couldn't understand anything.

"The Love of your life is in YOUR hands! Now it's time to decide what matters most. Her or the revolution." My spitting image yelled.

Still placing the gun on Elizabeth's head he came closer to her and ripped off the tape on her mouth.

"Connor doesn't listen-"

"Be quiet!" He yelled at her jamming the pistol harder into her temple.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, I shouldn't have gotten you mixed up in all of this!" I told Elizabeth.

"It's fine Connor, forget about me! These lives are worth more than mine, whether that matters to you or not!" Elizabeth advised me.

"I can't make that choice again!" I yelled at her frustrated.

I couldn't choose to lose her again. She mattered more to me than anyone else in this world.

"Forget about me Connor, do what you have to do!" She replied.

My attention went back to the other Connor, his image threw me off. To see myself be so cruel...

That was me before I met her. Wasn't I?

"I used to be just like you, I thought nothing mattered except the mission...but then one day I understood," I told him.

He didn't move to keep his gun pointed at Elizabeth.

"Very moving Connor, was it your partner? Hank Anderson to persuade you your something more? Or was it the taste of her humans lips?" He interrogated me. His last words making my eyes widen.

"What do you feel for this petty woman? Her looks? Trust me, Connor, she's not even a good kisser." He dryly spat at me.

"Your lying," I stated.

"Don't listen Connor he's trying to get a reaction out of you!" Elizabeth advised me.

"Go on Elizabeth, tell him about our little randevu." He ordered her still pointing his pistol at her.

He looked at Elizabeth as her sorrowful eyes couldn't look at me.

"I'm not a Deviant Connor. You used to be a machine designed to accomplish a task and that's exactly what I'm going to do!" He remarked.

He took one last look at Elizabeth before shoving the gun at her more.

"Enough talk! It's time to decide now who you really are! Are you going to save Elizabeth's life? Or are you going to kill her?" RK800 exclaimed at me.

"Do it Connor. You know who to save." Elizabeth told me, if I hadn't looked away from her eyes I wouldn't have noticed the tears making her mascara run down her eyes.

"Alright! Alright, you win!" I exclaimed putting my arms up.

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