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I snuck inside and immediately looked around for Elizabeth. My eyes widened at the estate I was in. Chandelier costed 91,000 while the painting hung on the wall costed 112,000-I should really stop scanning things right now...

Our eyes met across the room, her arm chained with his.

Jack you lousy good for nothing-Connor snap out of it!

She smiles at me before averting her attention to jack and pursed her lip. I felt something, a feeling that made me want to drop kick jack and hold her in my arms, to show her how much I loved her.

I knew my weakness, it was her.

I had been compromised.

"Hello? Connor, i-its me." Elizabeth's voice broke me from my thoughts, I gazed at her unable to speak.

"Hi." I exhaled trying to form words...why couldn't I talk to her?

"I don't have much time before he notices I'm gone, I need to find a man named Elijah Kamski. You need to find where they're holding Hank, I'll see you in-"

"Mind if I join you? Couldn't help but overhear my name...Kamski, Elijah Kamski."The man introduces himself holding out his hand. I lent out mine and he brings it slowly to his lips, he kisses my hand making me go red.

"I-I'm Elizabeth Anderson. Um Mr. Kamski uh may I-"

"Hello Elijah, my name is Connor. An RK800-" I but in.

"Fascinating...a prototype..." Elijah mutters examining myself cutting him off. He looks back at Elizabeth his eyes glazed, and looses his trance.

A new song began by the band playing, and Kamski's lips formed a grin.

"Elizabeth, mind to dance?" He asks making my heart pound. Her face went a light shade of pink at his question and looked down at the floor.

"Mr. Kamski I-I can't dance, I-" She stammered and he lifted her chin up to look at him him. 

My body froze, I wished I could do something...I- I

I shouldn't interfere. I need to find Hank.

I promptly leave Elizabeth to continue my search for Lieutenant Anderson, I felt ashamed to leave her like that. In the hands of another man. But maybe a man's what she deserves, I am just a machine, madly in love.


His hand forced me to look at him,

"Anyone can dance, some just are brave enough to do it well." He whispered in my ear. Right then I thought of Connor, breaking into the window, giving me his coat, walking into the bathroom, kissing me in the rain...

All of it at once.

I grabbed kamski's hand and led him to dance. He twirled me, but I held him closely with a face cold as ice.

"What do you know on my mother?" I interrogated. "and who-"

"You know damn well who she was. Did you read...her notes?" I spat. We were still dancing, he again twirled me but i landed into his chest and was facing away from him.

"She knew some things I told her were dangerous, you see when I advise someone to keep quiet about information I dont mean it jokingly." He replied. He swing me back to face him.

"You-YOU killed her?" I asked confused. "I wouldn't kill my assistant, she was the one who got herself killed not listening to my instructions." Elijah remarked scoffing.

I felt anger boil up inside me, I wanted to kill him...but he tried to hush my mother...so she wouldn't get killed.

She never listened...did she.

"I need to know your piece on Deviant's...its a complete form of my mothers....I need to finish her work Elijah." I stammer trying to speak, still in shock.

The song had finished and Elijah held my waist dipping me, his face close to mine.

"Where are they?" I ask Kamski, his grin fading. His eyes were dull, staring back at mine. 

"If I told you were they were would you do something for me in return?"

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