Chapter 2: Went Too Far

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     The boys arrived back to their little campsite when the sun had fully set, Ethan now stood leaning against a tree with his hat low to cover his face. He had crossed his arms over his chest as he let out a breath of both frustration and relief. Jack was taken away not more than 9 hours ago and he couldn't had stopped it, he wanted to, but he would have been captured or killed in the process. Footsteps were growing closer to him, he didn't look up to see who was coming towards him, he didn't really care who it was at this point. A hand was then placed onto Ethan's shoulder, the person firmly held it and he knew automatically who it was, Mark

     "What do you want Mark?" He asked with venom in his voice, Mark sighed and put his other hand onto Ethan's other shoulder causing him to look up at him. Ethan pushed his hat up to reveal his eyes to Mark that were filled with all kinds of emotions.

     "I just want you to know that it is not your fault, there was nothin' we could have done to prevent that." 

     "Well you could have let me kill that piece of shit the day he walked right to us with a gun in hand ready to 'fight' alongside us, you knew I didn't trust him. I never trusted him," Ethan said looking to the side.

     "It wasn't an option Ethan..." Mark looked down a bit ashamed for not listening to Ethan's words he spoke months ago. 

     "It was an option, I was right and you didn't believe me when I said he was bad news, why don't you ever trust me Mark?" Ethan let his arms fall from his chest as he stood up straight giving a look of anger to his friend. Mark let his arm fall off Ethan's shoulder when the angered brown haired man started to stand straight, by now Mark knew he got him fired up.

     "I do trust you Ethan. It's jus-," Mark started, but was cut off by Ethan pushing him back harshly making him stumble slightly with widened eyes.

     "No! You fuckin' don't trust me! You never did! When I show a bit of sense you discard my warnins and just everythin' I say! You are too much of a pussy to pull the goddamn trigger that is your  problem! You of all people should know to pull the trigger when needed and not be a little bitch and let your friends kill themselves because you don't have the gyts to do it yourself!" Mark looked at Ethan with a hurt look in his saddened features yet he kept his composure and the slight glare on his face.

     "Ethan, that was uncalled for," Tyler spoke up walking over to the two men who stood away from the small campsite.

    "Says the one who shoots sloppy, every person you shoot I have put them out of their misery because you can't shoot right." Ethan commented giving Tyler a glare as well as Mark.

     "At least I'm not heartless and just cold unlike you! That girl you loved back at your little woodland home, I feel bad for her for havin' to deal with your sorry ass all those years! She deserved better than you and is probably glad that your gone!" Tyler yelled, Tyler had crossed the line this time, Ethan couldn't hold back his rage any longer. It was like a switch in his mind was being flipped on when she was mentioned. Yes, it was a sensitive topic for him but usually he was okay with it and was able to handle it calmly but not this time. He let out all his emotions at Tyler and tackled him onto the rough ground, he sat on Tyler's waist straddling him as he held the collar of Tyler's shirt with his left hand. He raised his right dirty bandaged hand into the air molding it into a tight fist before throwing punch after punch into Tyler's face. Mark went around the struggling Tyler to get behind Ethan as he started to pry his close friend from the bleeding Tyler on the ground.

    "Ethan! Get the hell off him!" Mark yelled, Ethan was putting up quite a fight against Mark's tight arms, kicking and punching at Mark's arms trying to get free. Ethan broke free for a second to throw a final blow to Tyler's nose before Mark wrapped his arms tightly around Ethan's neck putting him into a choke hold. The hazel eyed angry male let go of Tyler to grip Mark's arms trying to rip them from his neck, his face was red from the rage in his body and from straining to get free from the choke hold he was placed in. Mark finally had gotten Ethan calm enough to let him go or at least to where he would stay still. Mark threw him to the other side of him so he would be distance between him and from Tyler. Mark was breathing heavily as he turned to Tyler and held out a hand out to Tyler who took it gladly, he pulled him onto his feet as blood rushed down Tyler's face from the hard blows that he received from Ethan. Blood covered The collar of Tyler's shirt from the vicious punches. He definitely will have to change soon.

     "You put me in a choke hold? That's illegal." Ethan grumbled standing to his feet.

      "You're illegal," Tyler shot back, Ethan was about to charge when Mark put a hand on his chest.

     "ENOUGH! When we get Jack back the better, just don't kill each other until then please for the love of christ." Mark saw that Ethan had relaxed slightly because of his words so he let his hand fall from his chest before he walked off to the pit where their burning fire awaited them. Tyler gave Ethan a glare then headed to the fire with his hand up cover his bloody nose. Ethan sighed and turned around looking to the tree he had been leaning on and leaned his arms and head onto the rough surface. He closed his eyes tightly regretting what he had done to his friend, he didn't want to ever hurt him but he went too far by bringing her into this. He missed her, but he couldn't let her get in the way of his mission to end the man who had killed his family. He bit his lip letting the iron taste of blood flood onto his lips, anger and just pure frustration was burning through his mind, he didn't know what else to do besides just wait until it went away.

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