Chapter 29: Dead Man's Gun

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     Father Anderson poured the cups with coffee and handed them their cups, he stayed by his podium with his drink in hand while the two young adults sat in front of him in the booths.

     "What is it you need my boy?" He asked Ethan, Ethan looked to his right hand that was bandaged then looked up at the man who stood in front of him.

     "I need guidance, I have made mistakes, I want redeem myself," Ethan looked up at the Father as tears slowly went down his cheeks. "I just want out of this, I want to live a normal life, I have lost everythin' to this and now I am scared I will lose the only thing I have left." Ethan looked to (Y/n) and took hold of her hand giving her a small smile, she gave his hand a tight squeeze before he turned his attention back to the man in front of him.

     "Ethan these are dark times and you know that the only way out of a dark storm like this is through redemption and givin' grave sacrifice, you written your fate long ago Ethan. In these times you don't go home free after turning yourself in, you pay with your life for doing things such as this. Death has chosen you to ride his horse to your own untimely death." Ethan looked to (Y/n), he bit his lip nervously then spoke up again to his old friend.

     "And, I will accept that fate, I have done wrong and I know that now, I am ready for the consequences. I just need to do this one thing, I want to take (Y/n) to the ocean shore. We talked about it all the time as kids and would say we would do it, but never could. I want to show her the beauty of the water before it happens." (Y/n) shook her head and squeezed his hand tight enough that he was forced to look at her.

     "No! You have been through enough you can't just give in like this, this isn't you. You never gave up on us, you never gave up yet you are sayin' right now that you want to. Ethan please!" She begged him, he took hold of her other hand and held them both tightly, he never wanted to let go and she didn't either.

     "I have to, this is somethin' I cannot run from anymore. The more I run the more lose, am doin' this to protect you from them, I am doin' this to protect everyone. When this is all over and done I will be long gone and you will live your life happily married with kids and a home, a REAL home not one that changes every minute somethin' happens. You will be safe from this war and in a better one, you will travel all over the world like we planned just not with me." She ripped her hands away from his as soon as he finished and wrapped her arms tightly around him letting out the tears that had been held up for so long. He was good at goodbyes, but not good with hellos. He looked from the corner of his eye to the preacher who stood patiently by his podium. He gave a small nod to him earning one back. After a while of tears streaming down both their faces everything went calm again, (Y/n) had left to get something to eat leaving the two men alone in the church.

     "Ethan my boy, do you still have the gun I had given you all those years ago?" Father Anderson asked the hazel eyed boy, Ethan nodded and pulled the black Hi Powered pistol from his holster and turned the gun around to face him so the man could grab the handle and not the barrel.

     "When I gave you this gun I looked for the best out of you with it, but instead you turned it into a man slaughterin' menus," the preacher examined the gun closely to see no scratches or any broken pieces. He looked up to Ethan and handed the gun back to him the way he had done to him. Ethan put the gun back into his holster after retrieving it from the mans hands.

     "I guess you were wrong about me, Father. The gun wasn't the problem it was the dead man holdin' it that turned it into the menus it was."

     "You are no menus Ethan you are a man, a lost man. I believe by the time this all ends and one pulls the trigger, one will have redemption and one will be left with regret and the guilt. Only one will be left standin' while the other sores through the clouds or burns in hell for their choices."

     "I think we all know by now that we both will be in hell in the end, we both will die at some point and when we do we will end up in hell for it. All the people I have lost along this journey would be avenged or will see me soon." The preacher smiled at the boys words and stepped down from his podium putting his arms around the messy brown haired boy.

     "I wasn't wrong Ethan you are doin' great things now and you have accepted who you have become, you are a saint. God has forgiven you as long as you do the same for yourself, can you do that?" Father Anderson asked him, Ethan lowered his head a little nodded before he pulled away from the hug and shook the preachers hand.

     "Thank you Father needed that... now if you'll excuse me I have a few people to talk to..." Ethan said, the preacher nodded and watched as the boy now a man walked out of the church proudly leaving his former friend to ponder. The preacher looked to the cross nailed onto the wall, he looked at the Jesus that hung there. He took a deep breath and walked to the cross looking up at the holy man hanging.

     "When you lose everythin' to the dark side... you only want revenge and will do anythin' to have it. Ethan sees it as success or death, he will soon learn it always will end the same as he ended theirs... I know you hear me and I beg you forgive this boy and embrace him when he comes to your gates. Amen." Father Anderson turned to look out the windows of the church to see Ethan walking towards the graves of the fallen where his mother, sister and brother were put to rest in peace. 

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