Chapter 10: The Four Horsemen

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    Thursday, October 14, 1897

     The Marshall and his men spent hours traveling from Armadillo to Manzanita Post, the whole ride was silent except for an occasional 'are we almost there?' Marshall sighed and looked up at the stary sky as they rode through the quiet town. In that moment he thought about how he had lost his little girl and for what? He should have known this day would come and he knew that she would choose him. It just came sooner than planned, it is his daughter or his people. He loves her don't get him wrong but, if she stands in the way of him getting rid of these bandits of the night then he won't hesitate to pull the trigger even if he has to shoot her. He looked back forward to see Gerald had stopped in front of a small saloon, not many were inside from what he could see. The Marshall took in a deep shaky breath as they got off their steeds and walked into the wooden saloon. He looked around in curiosity. He hasn't been up in these woods in a long time. It hasn't change a bit either from what he could tell, maybe a few less people, but that was normal around this time of year.

     "There," The Marshall snapped back to face where Gerald was pointing, a man was leaning on the bar, Marshall nodded and walked over to the man who was drinking his whiskey from his shot glass.

     "I knew someday you would show up right at my doorstep again, what do you want Marshall? Take me to jail? Whatever it may be go on ahead," The Marshall heard the man known as Brian say as he turned to face the lawman. He had black hair, he was pale and looked Asian. He rested his hands on his hips with his back against the bar, he had put his glass down in the process.

     "I need information about your old buddies."

     "The gang?" He asks with a light chuckle, "they are like ghosts mister, they don't leave a trace like no evidence in a crime scene. You are wastin' your time in tryin' because no matter what you won't find them." Brian gave a smirk to the Marshall who stood in front of him, the Marshall felt a hand on his shoulder before someone pushed through to stand in front of him, it was Gerald. What does he think he is doing?

     "Brian... tell everythin' you know, you were in the gang and you knew them all including his daughter," The Marshall watched as the smirk fell from Brian's lips. Worry was now shown across his features, why was he worried?

     "She is with them now?" Gerald nodded at Brian's soft spoken words. "Fine... might want to sit for this," Brian looked down as he pushed himself from the bar motioning for them all to sit at the table not far from them. The Marshall pulled the wooden seat from under the table and sat leaning back into the chair to get himself comfortable, Gerald and Brian both followed his lead and did the same.

     "Umm... how can I explain this... Mark, is a born softy he will not kill anyone, but he will order Ethan or one of the others to do it for him. Tyler and Jack they are pretty much the same in action wise, they are both sloppy shots , but then you have Ethan. He is different because he has not much feeling when it comes to killing others, he is not afraid of it and will shoot someone in cold blood just for the satisfaction of revenge though he is blood thirsty for the man who killed his mom, sister and brother, he has lost himself whilst he was searching for that man which led him to the situation he is in now-" Brian was cut off by Matt who stood beside his boss with a confused expression.

     "Wait... so, all he wants is revenge?"

     "He used to until he lost himself while tryin' to get that revenge. I was there through it all and watched him go from angry to just emotionless and shooting innocent people without a second thought; to be honest I was more afraid of him than the others there, he was my best friend when we were kids then family now just distant. I left as soon as I could... I remember in the night when he couldn't sleep I would ask him what he was thinking about, all he told me was that it was her and his family nothing more or less. He missed your daughter Marshall...." the room grew silent moments before Brian continued, everyone was just too shocked or just too into the story to even say anything else. "Each person in the gang represents something... from the book of revelations. The horsemen of the apocalypse... War is Mark, he is the cause of this whole gang and the one who caused the war between the good and bad. Famine is Tyler, he thinks about his choices while Jack is Pestilence, he was just always called disease because of how attached people got to him so easily and last, but not least Ethan is Death. It is pretty obvious why he is known as death so, I am not going to elaborate." The Marshall looked to Gerald then Matt in surprise before his eyes went back to the man who sat in front of him.

     "If I were to attack and kill them what strategy would be the best?"

     "Kill the most important person to Ethan and he will go nuts, Mark should be an easy kill, Tyler and Jack though are people who would either help another member who had gotten hurt or hurt themselves by accident so, if I were you I would hit Ethan's weak spots by killin' Mark, the leader. Killing Mark will result into Ethan either killing himself or giving in, the others would be lost and easy to eliminate since they have no leaders anymore."

     "But what about (Y/n)?" Matt asked.

     Brian ignored his question and looked to the bar where the bartender sat cleaning the glasses that were dirty. Brian leaned closer to the Marshall and whispered to him.

     "Do not mention any of the things I have told you to anyone else or to the gang." The lawman just gave him a nod and stood from my chair causing Matt to stand straight, he looked alert and ready for anything. Gerald stood up hugging his friend tightly before heading out the door to his horse. He didn't even tell them what to do about the Marshall's daughter, but they didn't want to push it anymore that might make him regret telling them.

     "Thank you Brian." The Marshall said and turned on his heels, the wooden floors creaked at every step he took. Brian said to eliminate Ethan's soft spot which was Mark and his daughter even though he never mentioned her; she means something to him and if she was gone then he would lose it. He knew by that point what he would have to do, he would have to kill and Mark to get to Ethan.

     This is the end of the beginning and soon it will be the end of the end...

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