Ethan and (Y/n) were heading to the spot Ethan was taking her to like he promised he would. Trees, leaves, stumps and grass surrounded them as they went through the woods. They shared many laughs and smiles through their ride, it has been a whole day since Jack died and no one has mentioned it. The thought was still there just never really discussed, they soon arrived to a running river.
"A river?"(Y/n) questioned looking to him confused.
"Yep! It is the same river that ran through Manzanita Post, the one we played in all the time." He replied getting off his horses back, the horse moved a little at the sudden weight loss. Ethan walked around to (Y/n) and held out his hand to her to help her down, she gladly took his hand and climbed down from the horses back to come face to face with the man who helped her down.
"How do you know?"
"The rocks that followed the current." Ethan walked over to the river bank and bent down running his fingers through the water lightly to grab a loose rock from the side. (Y/n) walked up behind him as he plucked a single rock from the river. He turned the rock to examine it carefully before looking back to her with a smile. "Back home the rocks had ice frozen on them that made permanent ice crystals on them. This was where I was yesterday, it helped me; made me feel like I was home and not in this mess." Ethan sighed and stood up causing (Y/n) to back up to give him room. He gave her a small comforting smile before taking hold of her hands and placing the rock into one, he closed her fingers over the rock. (Y/n) looked down at their hands in confusion. "Everythin' is changin' now... there is a possibility that I might not return in one piece, if somethin' does happen to me I want you to run and don't look back. I accepted this fate when I started this and I will end it just the same. I want you to remember me for who I was not for what I became in the years that followed."
"Ethan..." (Y/n) whispered lightly with tears welding up in her eyes. They had just lost Amy and Jack, now it was like he was saying he too was just going to drop dead at any moment. He doesn't have the POX or any disease.
"No.. don't say anythin', just listen to me. When I think of home I think of you and when I came to this river, the water reminded me of you. Keep the rock close to you and I will be there, I promise you that." (Y/n) yanked her hands from his and wrapped her arms firmly around his neck in a tight hug. Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his chin on her shoulder as tears glistened in the corners of his hazel eyes. "Lets just spend this time together and forget our problems, just a little while..." he choked out, (Y/n) released him from her hug and nodded unable to form words as she wiped her eyes. Ethan gave her a smile and wiped her eyes, "no more crying."
She smiled and sniffled before looking to the river, Ethan moved aside and took hold of her free hand.
"So, if we followed the river we would be home again?" She asked him curiously.
"Yep, we could go North and be home in 2 days. Would you want to go home?"
"Maybe, I don't know memories and things we left behind will come back and I don't know if that is good thin' or bad..."
"After we see Signe we can go home, for a little while, just a little while..." he was practically begging her. Did he really want to go home or did he want a death wish?
"Fine, but as soon as I see somethin' out of the ordinary we are leavin'."
"That is fine by me," Ethan exclaimed with the brightest smile she has ever seen on him. Well, she has seen him smile like that before just not in a long time. (Y/n) giggled lightly and looked at the rock that he had placed in her hands, it had some frost frozen on the surface. She ran her fingers along the dark grey smooth structure of the rock. The memories of her and Ethan skipping rocks in the night and dawn crossed her mind like it happened yesterday. She truly missed those days, but she knew now it would never happen again, they were on the run, they aren't silly kids anymore. She looked up at Ethan who stood next to her comfortingly and gave a warm smile to him. Time stood still by this point, it was only them in a world that was non-existent. All sound was drowned out except for their heartbeat. They stood there for a good 3 minutes before a loud bang snapped them out of their trance. The two young adults looked to each other then ran straight to their horses pulling themselves up quickly and raced to the campsite where their friends resided.

Dark Storms (Crankgameplays x Reader)
FanfictionYoung Ethan Nestor, an infamous outlaw of the west rides alongside Mark Fischbach, Tyler Scheid and Sean McLoughlin. Being the most ruthless outlaw in the west with a cold heartless stare he runs into a old love, (Y/n) Nelson and finds himself in th...