Chapter 21: The Ambush

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     The two arrived at the camp moments later to see a group of 10 or so men shooting at their friends. Ethan quickly reached back to his holster and pulled his pistol from its resting place and took out a magazine from his pack, he put the magazine in the bottom of the handle and hit the bottom it to make sure it was in.

     "Get down!" Ethan yelled to(Y/n), she got off the horses back and ran through the gun fire to her and Ethan's equipment, she reached over to grab her bag, she rummaged through the bag searching for her pistol she had stole from her dad years ago. She glanced up to see her horse dead lying on the cold ground with 2 bullet holes in its side. When Ethan saw she was gone he let go of the reins and climbed off his horse, his feet hit the ground making dust fly up as he ran to get cover.

     "Finally you got here!" Tyler yelled from his hiding spot as he spun his cattlemen revolvers cylinder.

     "Guess I got caught up in the scenery," Ethan replied as he moved his arm up from the cover and fired his pistol, he didn't even have to take time to aim for the bullet to pierce right through one of the mans skulls like scissors through paper. Ethan turned his head to the right to see a sniper about 60 meters from where him and Tyler were. Ethan turned, he stood on his feet and aimed his gun at the sniper who was shooting at them,though he could not see that far he aimed his barrel at the blob of black in the distance. Ethan closed one eye to better his aim. Tyler had noticed Ethan's actions and looked at his friend like he was crazy or for that fact asking for a death wish.

     "Ethan! Get back in your cover! You are goin' to get yourself killed!" Tyler shouted over the sound of gun fire. Ethan ignored his friends plead for him to stand down, he was determined to get this sniper before it got him. He only had one chance right now to do it, it was just him and the sniper. The wrong move could cause himself to get shot and not the sniper. He had to make this shot perfect or else.

     "Come on don't fail me now..." Ethan mumbled to himself as he shot a single bullet, the bullet flew through the air like a jet heading to a military base or retreating from battle. The bullet came in contact with the snipers scope, the sound of glass breaking and the bullet shooting through the tube into the mans eye. The man shrieked in pain as he fell back. Tyler noticed the snipers cries and looked to his friend with a feared look on his face.

     "Damn... remind me to never get on your bad side," Tyler laughed through the gunshots.

     "Where's Mark?" Ethan fired his gun into another persons skull before reloading his gun behind the safety of his cover.

     "Don't know!"

     "What do you mean you don't know!"

     "He went to piss last I remember, but I have no clue where he is now!"

     "Goddamn it Tyler!" Ethan rushed from cover to cover searching for (Y/n). He soon found her with a gun in hand pointed right at the man who had tackled her downs mouth, she watched as he fell onto her. The air from her lungs completely disappeared at the weight on her before she used the rest of her strength to push the man to the cold ground. Ethan rushed to her and pulled her up to her feet.

     "Come on we have to find Mark, Tyler said he went off to piss and hasn't come back." Ethan said completely out of breath as he glanced around for any bullets flying their way.

     "Wait! We can't leave Tyler to do this alone, he could get hurt," she exclaimed looking to him with worry in her eyes. Ethan sighed and looked out into the distance before lowering his head.

     "Tyler is stronger than what you think, he has this under control. Trust me."

     "Are you sure?"

    "I hope so," Ethan whispered to himself and grabbed her hand tightly before dragging her away down into the woods. The trees blew with the wind and grass, the branches danced in the moonlight. Ethan was worried about Mark and she knew that, she was worried about him as well until Ethan running made her heart drop down to her feet, she rushed to his side to see a dead Mark on the ground with dried blood that had split from his neck and all down his body and on his clothes. He was starting to become white stating he has been there for a little while. Tears welded up in (Y/n)'s eyes, but never once fell from her glistening eyes; she couldn't let out anymore tears, she had no more to give. She glanced to Ethan who had tears in the corners of his eyes, he was about to erupt either from anger or sadness.

     "Ethan...." (Y/n) whispered as she took hold of his hand only to have it ripped away, she looked to her love confused as he glanced to her. He didn't say word before walking off back to the camp, (Y/n) chased after him pushing through the branches and shrubs all around them. Tyler looked to Ethan and smiled brightly.

     "I did it! I killed everyone Ethan!" Tyler seemed so happy and accomplished with himself that he had done it all on his own. Ethan though didn't seem to acknowledge what had happen as he pulled himself onto his horses saddled back and ride off into the darkness of the night. (Y/n) soon arrived back at the camp where Tyler sat confused as to what had happened just moments ago.

     "What did you see?"


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