Chapter 34: Old Friends, More Problems

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     Friday, October 22, 1897

     Ethan had woken up the next morning earlier than his love so he could head to the place she stopped him from going the night before. He had to speak to his old friend and she wasn't going to stop him even if she was just trying to protect him. Sitting him from the mattress on the floor and looked to the girl laying beside him. He smile and rubbed his eyes, he leaned over and kissed the girls cheek. She stirred a little in her sleep and mumbled a few incoherent words before curling up in the covers. Ethan quietly got out from under the covers and stood to his feet. Last night he had carried the tired girl from Kathryn's back to the church. He looked all around to see the sun was now coming up and the preacher wasn't even there yet. He stood on his feet and walked down the two steps to grab his boots that were in front of one of the benches, he sat on the bench  grabbing his hat and placing it on his messy bed head. He leaned forward and took hold of his boots and put them on lacing the laces tight enough that they wouldn't undo at some point while he was walking. After he stood and took hold of his holster filled with bullets and his pistol, he looped the belt onto his pants and took out his pistol to check to see if he had bullets in the pistol. Ethan took one last glance over to the mattress and walked out the church doors to see people walking around and wagons going by.

     "Where are you headin' my boy?" Ethan turned to the voice to see the preacher not far from him, he was heading to the church.

     "I'm meetin' up with an old friend in the saloon, I will be back later on," Ethan stated and walked passed the preacher with no word and headed to the saloon. Father Anderson watched the man walk away before heading inside of the church where (Y/n) still laid fast asleep. Ethan soon reached the saloon and pushed open the doors to see a man in all black standing by the bar, he recognized the figure and walked towards him.

     "Hello old friend," Ethan spoke up when he was only feet away from Brian.

     "Ethan Nestor well I'll be damned. Never thought you would come back here," Brian replied turning to face his old friend.

     "Never thought you would come back either old friend." Brian chuckled at Ethans words and gave a smile.

     "Come on old friend lets have a drink like the old times," Brian turned his head to the bartender standing in front of him. "Get him a glass of whiskey, on me." The bartender nodded and went to get Ethan a glass filled with whiskey. Ethan walked over and leaned his side on the bar.

     "Why did you leave?" Ethan asked as the bartender handed him his glass, he took a drink of his cold whiskey.

    "Excuse me?" Brian asked confused as he was about to take a big drink of his whiskey, he slowly put his glass down upon hearing Ethan's question.

     "The gang why did you leave?" Ethan looked at his friend with serious eyes.

     "You. You were the reason, I never knew how much trauma could do to your mind until the day you lost your parents. You changed and I couldn't handle it, you just snapped at the smallest things and you just became a cold hearted killer. It honestly scared me Ethan. You scared me. You didn't even trust me, you thought i would turn all of you in to the law when I would never do that to you." Ethan lowered his head ashamed for letting his anger at the man who killed his family be taken out on his friends, the ones who really cared about him.

     "I'm sorry Brian I really am, I didn't know I acted that way towards you, I'm sorry... I was blinded by my own lust for revenge and I didn't realize all the people i was hurtin' along the way..." Ethan turned away from his friend and drank the rest of his glass in just a few seconds before placing the glass onto the bar.

     "It's okay Ethan, I know it wasn't you and I don't blame you, so where are ya headin' next after here?" Brian asked curiously taking a sip of his whiskey.

     "Well (Y/n) and I always wanted to see the ocean ever since we were kids so I thought I would take her out there where. I want her to see the water just once at last before we get chased away again." Brian nodded at the information he was given and was about to take another drink when the sounds of screaming caught their ears, the two men stood straight looking out the double doors of the saloon to see people running with buckets in hand heading in the direction of the church. Ethan in an instant rushed out the saloon doors and looked towards the church to see it was on fire. Smoke and flames growing bigger by the second. Ethan raced to the building to see (Y/n) and Father Anderson pushing through the people yelling for Ethan, Ethan took the opportunity and began to rush through the crowd towards them. Gunshots soon pierced through the sounds of the crackling flames of the church, when Ethan finally crashed into the preacher and his love he wrapped his arms around her tightly holding her.

     "You two need to get out of here, lawmen came and they are shootin' down people who are hidin' you from them now go" Father Anderson shouted over the loud noise of gun fire and fire.

     "What about you?!" Ethan questioned letting his arms fall from (Y/n) and his hand took hold of hers tightly.

     "I will keep them at bay now GO!" Father Anderson pushed the two, Ethan let go of (Y/n)'s hand and hugged the preacher tightly letting tears fall from his eyes. He was losing yet another person whom was like family to him. He was a second father to him and now he was saying goodbye to him once again. Ethan soon let go and took hold of (Y/n)'s hand.

     "I will see you again someday my son...." Father Anderson spoke with tears welding in his eyes. Ethan could only nod before he felt his love pulling him through the crowd of people towards their horse that awaited them not far. He watched as his father figured watched them go and disappear into the crowd of people. The two reached the horse seconds later, Ethan pulled himself into the saddle and helped (Y/n) onto the horse before racing off in the direction of the ocean.

     Meanwhile in the saloon boots walked through the doors of the bar, Brian looked over to the sound to see the Marshall, G and Matt all awaiting him.

     "Time to go huntin'," The Marshall spoke with a smirk on his lips. "Lets go visit our good friend Father Anderson." Brian placed his glass down before walking out of the bar with the men following behind them. The fire was still going, people were running to put the flames out with buckets of water while the preacher stood on the hill watching the lawmen carefully as they walked over to him.

     "Hello gentleman what can I do for you this fine mornin'," the man spoke as the Marshall walked right up to the preacher, their noses were only inches apart as he gave him a dark glare.

     "Where did your friends go , father?" The Marshall questioned the preacher in front of him. Brian stood not far behind wondering if he should tell the marshall about where Ethan might be heading to next.

     "I don't what you are talking about sir?"

     "The outlaw you were close to and my daughter! You knew them and I know you are coverin' up for them!" The Marshall growled slightly as he grabbed the older mans shirt and pulled him off the ground a little.

     "Ethan Nestor hasn't been here in years! I swear! I have had no con-" The father rushed, but was cut off by Brian who walked a little in front of the other men. Brian was finally made up his mind and knew it would be the best option to tell the Marshall what he needed to know. Father Anderson had done nothing and since he already knew where the two had rode off to, the man wouldn't hurt the preacher.

     "He is lyin' Marshall, I talked to Ethan moments ago, him and your daughter were here and they are headin' to the ocean, Ethan told me personally." The Marshall dropped the preacher to his feet and looked to Brian.

     "Just what I needed to know, thank you Brian," the marshall turned to walk away with the others and climbed back onto his horse. Father Anderson closed his eyes before pulling out a gun from his back pocket and pointed it at the marshall.

     "I am sorry father..." Father Anderson whispered just as a bullet flew through the air hitting the preacher in the head. Marshall looked to the side to see G holding his pistol up, he had shot the preacher.

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