Chapter 15: The Train Robbery

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     It was a little before noon now, the gang was all awaiting for the trains arrival over the hill. (Y/n) sat on the back of Ethan's horse with her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, she had her head resting on his back with her eyes closed. They had been waiting there for over 20 minutes and she was getting extremely bored. The boys on the other hand were ready and alert the whole time.

     "Wake me up when the train comes," she mumbled to Ethan who had turned his head back to see her. He smiled and chuckled at her bored and tired tone.

     "Oh you will know when it comes."

     The sound of the railroad beneath them started to rumble causing (Y/n) to lift her head. Mark smiled and shields his fragile eyes from the beating sun as he looked up to check the time.

     "Noon, the train is comin'! Get out of the tracks!" Mark yelled as he kicked his horses sides to make it go forward. The others followed to the sides of the tracks. "Now all of you know the plan except (Y/n), so get ready!"

     The men separated and went to their positions, the train was getting closer and was coming over the hillside into their view.

     "Jack! Tyler! Stop the train! Ethan come with me!" He yelled over the engine of the train. He galloped alongside the tracks heading towards the train, Ethan pulled the reins around and followed his friend. The other two ran to stop the train. When the train had finally slowed and stopped Ethan, Mark and (Y/n) got off the horses and climbed onto the trains deck. The two boys went down the aisles leaving (Y/n) at the doorway to watch in horror as everyones faces were staring in horror at the men who had interrupted their good day.

     "Anyone speaks my friend here pulls the trigger, got it!" Mark yells loud enough for everyone on the train to hear. The whole cart went silent at his words. People huddled up with their families, kids had tears or looks of pure terror in their eyes. (Y/n) looked all around the cart at every face she could see. She went from confident to sad, how could they do this to these innocent people? She went up behind Ethan who stood not far from her and pulled on his sleeve.

     "Ethan, please..." she whispered to him, he glanced back at her with a blank expression that soon turned to anger.

     "Stay out of this (Y/n), you wanted to come along and you knew the consequences and what you would see," Ethan growled making her step back a little.

     "They're scared..."

     "DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY ARE SCARED! GO STAND BY THE DOOR AND DON'T SAY A WORD!" He shouted loud enough to make all the passengers flinch. She just stood there both ashamed and hurt by how he yelled at her. He has never truly yelled at her like that. She sighed and turned around to walk away as he went back to what he was doing before she interrupted, 10 to 20 horses galloping along the plains filled her ears as she ran to the end of the train. She stuck her head out the doorway to see the horses heading straight for them, she knew just who they were and what they were after.

     "Tyler! Jack! Hurry up and get in here! Lawmen are on their way!" She shouted to the two men who were just a little a ways ahead of her. She pointed out into the distance motioning to the horses that were coming for them. The boys glanced out to where she was pointing and froze in place at the sight before climbing off their horses and rushed to her and pulled themselves up onto the trains surface.

     "Go warn Mark and Ethan," Tyler said to (Y/n), she nodded and ran through the cart to the two men who had turned in confusion upon hearing the sound of her shoes against the wooden surface.

     "What is wrong?" Mark asked her pushing passed Ethan and stood with his arms crossed in front of the brown haired boy.

     "Lawmen are on their way I already told Tyler and Jack," she replied out of breath, Ethan looked to Mark knowing what to do. Ethan went around Mark and grabbed a hold of her hand holding it tightly.

     "Stay close to me you hear." He mumbled to the (h/l) (h/c) girl that stood in front of him, she obliged and nodded. Soon enough Jack and Tyler ran down the carts aisle to the rest of the members of their crew out of breath from running.

     "Finally you two got here," Ethan said with a small chuckle, he was still serious yet he had that same tone as he always had when they were all together

     "Ye try running to grab each horse and puttin' them on the other side of the train THEN runnin' back onto the train," Jack commented huffing as he leaned forward putting his hands on his knees. Mark was about to speak when the sounds of boots at the opening where the door would be. The 5 gang members looked towards the opening to see a tall man walk through the archway.

     "Just the outlaws we were lookin' for." It was the Marshall. Ethan pulled (Y/n) back behind him as he took out his High Powered Pistol from his holster. Bullets were already ready in the magazine and ready for flight.

     "Leave now Marshall if you know what is good for ya!" Mark yelled, everyone by this point had their guns ready except Mark of coutse.

     "I don't think I will Mark," the Marshall stated as he glanced over to Ethan and (Y/n) with a small threatenin' smirk upon his chapped lips. "(Y/n), honey please come back with me. You don't belong with these people, you belong with us... safe and away from low-lives like these men standin' before us."

     "You don't know where I belong! How did you even find us!" She yelled letting go of Ethan's hand and pushing through to the front of the group. Ethan was now behind her, Jack was to the right of her prepared for anything and everything. Mark stayed in the back while Tyler stood on the other side of (Y/n).

     "I did ask your sister at first, but well it didn't end so well... so I found my information without her help," Marshall chuckled deeply. Marks face went from a serious look to a now angered and sad look.

     "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Mark screamed as he charged forward, but before he could Ethan him back as he tried to push through and attack the man who had killed the one he loved and his new friends sister. "HOW COULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!? YOU'RE JUST AS MUCH AS A MONSTER AS WE ARE!" Mark yelled from the back of the small group.

     "She protected the enemies and swore she would never tell me anythin' about where you 5 were, I had no other choice." The Marshall seemed too calm about all of this and it unnerved (Y/n), she has never seen her father like this, usually he would be more concerned yet he showed no emotion in his eyes or just in general, nothing. (Y/n) stared at her father in horror by his words, she was more scared of him than ever and he knew that now. But, he wanted her to come back with him, why? He wanted his perfect child that is all he wanted.

     "She didn't deserve any of this, and because of you she is dead! My sister! The only blood I truly had left in this world! If you think for a second I will come back with you, think again because I never will!" (Y/n)'s eyes flared with rage.

     "Then you are nothin'!" Marshal shouted as he looked to the archer by his side, the archer raised up their bow, he aimed. Time was going slow as Jack moved in just seconds in the way of the arrow. The arrow hit Jack right in the center of his chest, blood soaked his shirt upon the impact. Jack gasped when the bullet tore through his skin. He fell to the ground with a thud, (Y/n) came back to reality to see her friend lying on the ground dead just inches away from her feet. She screamed to the top of her lungs in agony, Ethan grabbed her arm and pulled her back behind him as everyone went into open fire. The passenger of the train made their way to the exit as fast as they could dodging the incoming bullets. Ethan ducked down with his love by his side, he pulled her into his arms as she cried.

     "It is my fault he is dead Ethan! I killed Jack!" Ethan pulled her into a tight hug as the bullets flew right by them.

     "Ethan! Cover me while I get her out of here!" Mark shouted over the gunfire, Tyler was sitting on the ground behind a seat that he was using for cover. "Go!" Ethan pushed (Y/n) to the cover Mark was behind and stood up to distract all coming fire from them to him. He began to shoot not even aiming as he shot, Mark stopped for a second to grab (Y/n) and raced out of the trains entrance, he ran straight to his horse and basically jumped onto its back before helping the girl onto the horse. He kicked the horses sides when he felt her arms wrap around his waist allowing the horse to race full speed through the plains. Mark could hear her sobs as she cried from behind him into his back.

     She couldn't believe Jack was dead all because of her.

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