Chapter 24: Friend of his is a Friend of Mine

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     Tuesday, October 19, 1897

     The gang arrived at Signe's farm about a whole day later completely and utterly tired. The land was beautiful. Luscious green grass surrounded them, fenced horses were grazing along the sides of the fence happily. (Y/n) took in her surroundings with wonder and curiosity, she dismounted from Ethan's horse and stepped a little closer to the edge of the hill that showed the river not far from where they stood.

     "Beautiful out here ain't it?" She turned to her left to see Ethan walking up behind her with a smile on his face.

     "Yeah... I wish Mark and Jack could see this," she looked down to the ground and wiped a tear from her eye. Ethan was about to say something when a loud sound of a door opening caught their ears, the three lone wanders turned to see a brown haired girl in a white dress, her shoulders were shown while the fabric of her dress held on tightly to her arm. She stomped down the stairs.

     "Ethan Nestor! You son of a bitch!" She screamed as she stomped over to a confused Ethan and hit him right square in the stomach. Ethan winced as she hit him a few times before Tyler pulled her off.

     "It's not his fault!" Tyler exclaimed holding her back as she struggled to get free from his grasp.

     "It's all his fault! Him and his little whore got my Jack killed! Because of them he is dead!"

     "No! He made the choice! He wanted to risk his life, if he didn't want to risk himself would he have joined the gang?" Ethan asked her causing her to stop struggling, her facial expression went from angry to now full of sadness. Everything went quiet for a while for maybe 3 or 4 minutes before she spoke up again.

     "Why are you here then? What do you want?" Tyler let her go to allow her to stand straight and fix her dress.

     "He wanted me to relay a message to you before he passed. He wanted me to tell you that he misses you and will find you someday when you reach the other side..." Ethan's voice cut out occasionally just at the mention of Jack. Signe looked away and crossed her arms, she took a deep breath and looked back up at Ethan and the girl standing in front of her, she glanced back to Tyler.

     "Come inside I will make us all some hot coffee." She lifted her dress up as she walked back up the stairs and into the house without a word. Tyler shrugged and followed behind the girl, (Y/n) and Ethan soon followed behind.

     "So, how do you know my name anyway?" Ethan asked Signe as she prepared the coffee for each of the travelers, Ethan took off his hat and hung it up on the rack by the door before sitting at the table with the others.

     "My pappy owns the general store in Armadillo, he hears all the gossip from all the counties. You are pretty known around her Ethan and so is your girlfriend. Besides Jack talked about you when you were a little thing comin' into the gang with no where else to go and determination to get revenge, which kind of brings up did you get your revenge?"

     "No, I still have yet gotten my revenge yet miss, but I am still determined to do so for my families sake." She nodded and took four cups over to the table setting them in front of each of them, she put the one without a person in front of where she would be sitting then went back to gran the pitcher of hot coffee. She began to pour them each a cup full of coffee and earned a small thank you from each of them as she finished up, she gave a small smile and sat in her seat.

     "So, the stories ARE true? You are out for revenge and was scared by the traumatic experience with only a bullet hole left in your hand to remind you of what happened everyday?" She questioned pointing to the bandage on his hand. Ethan looked to his right hand and nodded in response before looking to his beloved girlfriend.

     "That marks the day I lost my family and my best friend," Ethan gave a smile to (Y/n) who could only smile back at him, "I got one back at least."

     "Well I don't want to ask much more from you so I am just gonna say you can stay here for as long as you need, there are 2 bedrooms to your left to the stairs that you three can have for the time you are here." Signe looked to each of them as she stood with her drink in hand.

     "Thank you so much Signe," (Y/n) commented as the girl nodded and started towards the stairs.

     "No problem, any friend of Jacks is a friend of mine no matter what, I will be in my room if you need anythin' at all." The three nodded and watched her walk up the stairs, Tyler leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his coffee.

     "She seemed nice," he spoke up looking to the stairs before standing to his feet and setting the drink down on the counter. "I'm gonna go head up to bed for some shut eye, this is really the only time we will ever get this kind of sleep for a long while." They said their goodnights as he walked up the stairs stumbling a little as sleep started to slowly consume him.

     "I think I will too, you comin' along Ethan?" (Y/n) stood brushing her dress off.

     "I'll be up later, just need a moment to think then I will come up."

     "Are you sure? I can stay longer if you would like."

      "No, you need rest go up I will be up later." (Y/n) sighed and leaned down placing a small kiss upon his cheek. She made her way up the stairs, but stopped to check on Ethan to see him still sitting in the same exact place with his head in his hands. She looked to her hand in sadness, he was so tired and so stressed. She wanted to make him come up to get some sleep, but she didn't want to argue with him. She finally went up to the room and opened the door, she looked around at the bed with a checkered comforter neatly placed upon the mattress. It was definitely homemade. She walked to the bed and ran her fingers over the woven comforter before pulling the covers down and climbing in. She wanted to wait for Ethan to come up, but sleep overcome her before she could even stop it.

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