Chapter 26: Games

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     "Get up lazy bones! I have some fun activities for us, but first get a shower you stink," Signe threw clothes on Ethan's waking form. Ethan opened his eyes and sighed hearing the door close, he rolled to his back and glanced all around the room, (Y/n) must have gotten up early. He sat up and rubbed his tired eyes before taking the clothes from off his body that was thrown on top of him. This was going to be an interesting day. He got up and went to the bathroom where he would take his shower. Ethan sighed and went up to the mirror, he hesitantly lifted his shirt up over his head and let it fall to the ground. His eyes scanned over the deep scars along his chest. Ethan glanced down to look at the memories burned into his skin. He shook the memory from his head before running his fingers through his greasy hair.


     "You outlaws could use a bit of fun in your life, good ole rancher fun," Signe said to Tyler as she walked over with the pitcher of hot black coffee. She poured him his cup and sat across from him beside (Y/n).

     "Well miss not all of us know how to have fun," Tyler replied jabbing his thumb upstairs to motion to Ethan who was now in the shower.

     "We can change that." Signe looked to (Y/n) with a smile on her flawless face. "You guys sure do clean up nicely."

     "Thank you." Tyler rubbed his clothes taking out the creases in his blue button-up shirt. Someone coughing made their heads fly up towards the stairs to show Ethan in a black button-up shirt with blue jeans and black boots on his feet. (Y/n) stood up and smiled as he walked over, she met him halfway and automatically fixed the collar of his shirt.

     "You look nice cowboy." She said after fixing the collar of his shirt.

     "She's right I haven't seen you this clean for a long ass time, you look nice for once and not dirty." Tyler takes hold of his mug and puts the edge to his lips taking a huge gulp of his coffee.

     "That makes my self-esteem 100 times better Tyler," Ethan replied sarcastically before sitting beside Tyler at the dining table.

     "No problem sparky." (Y/n) went over to the counter and grabbed Ethan a mug, she sat the cup in front of him and took hold of the handle of the pitcher and poured him some coffee.

     "Thank you doll." (Y/n) put the pitcher down and went around to sit beside Signe.

      "So, what are these 'activities' you have planned?" Tyler questioned the short brown haired girl.

     "We are goin' to have a horse race and bust some broncos!" She exclaimed in excitement, (Y/n) shot up excitedly.

     "I love watchin' those they are so fun! Pa would take me to those things all the time when I first moved to Armadillo." (Y/n) said and looked to Ethan, "it is so fun you would like it!"

     "So, you are tellim' me that horse breaking is fun? Horse racing is fun we did that all the time, but horse breaking? That seems more dangerous than fun," Tyler commented placing his cup down onto the tables wooden surface. Ethan had lowered his head at the memories of all the horse races they have had. The ones who mostly raced was him and... Jack.

      "It's the thrill of it! Come on you two are outlaws, stealin' and killin' is dangerous so what makes this any different? It will be fun I will show you!" Signe stood to her feet and took hold of Tyler's hands pulling him off his seat, she was wearing jeans and a red button-up shirt while (Y/n) wore a white button-up shirt and a pair of jeans. (Y/n) got up and went over to Etthan taking hold of his hands. He glanced up at her and shook his head at her, she knew he didn't like the idea of having fun with all that was going on.

      "You need a little fun Ethan, stop worryin' and stressin' all the time it's not healthy. Just come have a little fun, just a little then we can stop," (Y/n) begged her love, he took a deep breath and stood up holding her hands.

     "Okay I will do it for you," he agreed allowin' the girls to drag them both out the door to the corral where a horse awaited them behind its wooden fence. On their way Ethan ripped his hat from the hanger and placed it on his head.

     "Okay outlaws I'll get the horse ready to give you a hint to what you are dealin' with," Signe said and let go of Tyler's hands before hopping the fence. "Could one of you throw me the lasso?" Ethan grabbed the lasso from the side of the fence and threw it in to Signe who caught it easily. She lifted one hand up and began to swing around the loop causing almost a upside down tornado of some sorts. She got ready as the horse ran all around the corral. The horse was a pure black mustang with one single white sock on it's back right leg. She threw the spinning tornado as the horses head roping the horses neck. She pulled back on the rope, the horse reared up at the sudden strength of the girl. Her feet skidded along the dusty ground as the horse tried to pull her along. She quickly too action and grabbed hold of the fence and tied the rope onto the hard wood. The horse pulled and pulled, but gave up after a little while of just pulling. Signe hopped over the fence and dusted off her shirt, she walked up to the outlaws and gave a smile. "So, who first?" She questioned, Tyler silently went to the fence and climbed over it. He went up to the horse and ran his hand along the horses back up to its mane before pulling himself onto its back. Signe went around to the lasso and pulled it off of the horses head letting it loose. The horse thrashed around, it kicked and bucked trying to throw Tyler off. The horse finally got what it wanted and threw Tyler off into the dirt earning a groan from him.

     "Can't I stick with stealin' and shootin' this hurts like hell," Tyler grumbled as he stood up and dusted off his clothes. He climbed back over the fence stumbling a bit from the landing, "you're up Ethan." He pat his friends back. Ethan looked to the girls letting out a sigh as he climbed over the fence. Ethan walked right up to the horse that was about to run, he pulled himself up onto the horses back holding onto its mane tightly. He pulled back on its charcoal black mane making it rear upwards. The horse bucked and kicked and raced around the whole corral hoping to get him off his back, but as soon as Ethan jabbed his heels into its a sides the horse was done. The horse galloped all around the corral not kicking or bucking anymore. Signe and the others clapped and praised their friend. Ethan was smiling, he was actually smiling. He pulled back on the horses mane causing the horse to come to a stop, he smiled brightly at his friends. He was second thinking his accusation he made last night, maybe he was the same man just hidden behind a sand filled mask, he truly was living in a fantasy land that he never realized he was in.

     "Aww death is smilin'!" Tyler teased his friend, Ethan hopped off the horses back. In an instant Tyler knew what was happening and bolted away from the fence, Ethan laughed and hopped over the fence with a quick smooth landing and chased his friend down. (Y/n) giggled at the two guys, Signe turned her head towards the giggling girl beside her and said.

     "Jack was right, he is a good guy. You are lucky to have him (Y/n)." She gave her new friend a smile as the two girls continued watching the guys run around.

     "Ahhhh help Death is chasin' me!!" Tyler joked as he ran yelling.

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