Chapter 4: The Visit

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     Tuesday, October 12, 1897

     The boys were preparing for the fight they would be facing to get their friend back from the jail. Ethan was ready, he was just waiting for Mark to get his gun filled and his boots tied. Ethan looked to Tyler who was sitting on his homemade bed, he took a deep breath and made his way over to him.

     "Hey Tyler..." Ethan started as he stopped in front of his friend running his fingers through his hair before placing his rough hands onto his sides.

     "Hi..." Tyler replied looking up from his hands to look Ethan in the eyes. His hands fell onto his lap as he waiting for Ethan to speak.

     "About last night I-" Tyler cut Ethan off, he stood up with his arms to his sides.

     "Don't worry about it Ethan I understand, I went too far and I know that. I shouldn't have pulled her into this and I shouldn't have provoked it more than it already was." 

     "I'm sorry for punching you multiple times in the face," Ethan gave his friend a shaky smile that never really appeared as often. Tyler gave him a small smile back and placed his hand on his friends shoulder to pull him into a bone crushing hug.

     "Today is the day we get Jack back lets bring him home," Ethan exclaimed proudly and with confidence in his voice before releasing his friend from the tight grip and gave him a high five before the three boys got onto their horses ready to take back their friend.


     "Man Found Dead 4 Miles From Armadillo"

     (Y/n) was reading the ledger for the day when she came across this article, a blonde haired man was found shot not far from the town she lived in, Armadillo. She continued to read, it intrigued her and made her wonder who would do such a thing to someone.

     A man was found dead not far from the town of Armadillo, he was identified as Felix Kjellberg; he was known as a member in a group of bandits that would rob, kill and hurt civilians. Lawmen from many states claim that no one in the gang would kill or harm another member unless it was done for a reason. Sunday morning one of the bandits Sean McLoughlin was brought into custody. Now the only members who still roam this land is the leader Mark Fischbach, Tyler Scheid and the infamous second in command, Ethan Nestor. Mark is one not to kill, but he is indeed one to give the orders so, Lawmen suspect that Ethan did the doing; they say it seems like his kind of work, clean and fast, The lawmen in the town of Armadillo are searching still for the rest of the gang, it has been many years and still no luck in ridding them from this already damaged land.

     Her eyes widened when her eyes scanned across the name Ethan Nestor, he was her friend back home before his family had died, which was about 6 years ago. The last thing she ever said to him before he kissed her goodbye was that he was acting different. He didn't have to change, but he did and left her behind. (Y/n) stood up holding the ledger in her hands as she quickly walked to the small little fireplace and threw it into the crackling flames. She watched as the flames of burning hatred and anger consumed the paper in almost an instant. 

     She heard the door creak open that caused her to whip her head around to see her sister Amy in her pretty yellow dress. She gave her older sister a smile and made her way over to her, her eyes fixated onto the fire seeing the crumbled paper burning away in the flames.

     "Is that today's ledger?" She questioned with her arms behind her back, (Y/n) sighed and looked to her feet with a small nod.

     "Yes, it was talking about a man who had died and they are blaming an old friend of mine from back home in Manzanita Post for the murder charges." (Y/n) never told her about how he wanted revenge on the man who killed his family, she didn't want her to take it all the wrong way.

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