Amy and Mark came to a fallen tree in the woods and sat to take a small break from walking.
"So, you lived with your mother, brother and father?" Amy asked looking to him as she placed her hands into her lap getting more comfortable. Mark nodded with a sad smile and looked to the ground.
"Yeah, but we weren't much of a family, daddy drank a lot and would try to hurt my brother and I, mom she would try to protect me and Thomas.
"Did he ever hurt you or your brother?" Amy questioned scooting a little closer to mark and took hold of his rough hand, she held it tightly earning a look from him that only made her smile.
"Yes, one night he did, he got to my brother first but I stopped him so he went after me instead. I begged him to stop and see what he was doin' to his family, he didn't listen to me like always. He grabbed me by my arm and twisted it backward which broke my arm, I was so scared he would kill me right then and there that I ran to my room and locked the door behind me." Amy had no words as she listened. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, Mark was such a nice guy and she just couldn't believe his father would do that to him or even think to do that. Mark was so focused on the ground not even paying attention to Amy or anything he was saying, he has never told anyone about his personal life at all. He never told his gang or any of his friends from back home. "I packed all my shit and told my brother who was in the room that I couldn't take it anymore, he packed all his shit too and we ran off. We ran for miles and miles. We had no horse or even knew where to go, we just knew we would have to get out of there before someone found us."
"Mark, I can't believe he would do that to you, his own son!" She exclaimed with sadness and guilt in her voice.
"Doesn't matter anymore, I'm not there anymore and neither is my brother. We escaped, well my brother made it 40 miles before a cougar attacked him, I tried to save him believe me I did, but I was just too scared. When I snapped back to reality, I shot the cougar, but I was too late. Some man who was runnin' in a gang must've heard my gun and came to my rescue. He took me in, fed me, taught me and gave me a place to call home; of course I didn't know better between good or bad at the time and found later i was in a gang of outlaws which is how I fathered the rest of these shit heads." Mark motioned to where the camp was and gave a small chuckle. "The gang leader made me second in command when I was 20 years old, he treated me more like a son than he did a friend of his gang, he would race me through the woods on horseback, we would fish together, rob, steal, all of it and he knew I would never pull the trigger on anyone so he never gave me the option or the mission to. That's how I survived the ambush, I never went that night, but he did and get killed along with most of the gang leavin' me in charge which I didn't know how to leader, I was just a naive newbie. After a few months I finally got a hang of it and lead my men with a smile like my adopted father did. There were about 10 men in the gang at the time. When I turned 23 I met-" he was cut off by Amy speaking up with confidence that she was correct about what she was about to say.
"Ethan, Tyler and Jack?"
"Eh sort of Tyler and Jack yes, they joined around that time and quickly became my friends, more men had died leavin' 6 of us left and it was only about 4 and a half years after my adopted father died when we found Ethan and a friend of his, they joined and now here we are." Mark looked back up to see Amy's teary eyes.
"I am so sorry Mark for everythin' you have been through, I understand why you and Ethan are in this mess now and I wish I could do so-." She was about to say something when Mark turned fully towards her taking her other hand in his and shook his head fanatically.
"No, no, no. It is not your fault, it is our own for allowin' ourselves to do this kind of thin' we are to blame not the events that took place before we made this choice. We can only live for today, not for yesterday. That's why I want to tell you somethin' Amy, somethin' I didn't want to say earlier because I knew it wouldn't end well for either of us and it wouldn't last, but Amy Nelson I love you and I wish I could change my past so we can be together. I know we c-" Amy pressed her lips onto his to silence his rambling. Mark's eyes widened at the sudden contact of their lips but soon eased into it and wrapped his arms around her closing his eyes softly. After about 10 seconds they pulled away and gazed into each others eyes lovingly.
"You talk too much Mark," Amy said with a smile as she looked at him, he couldn't help but smile back at the blonde girl in front of him.

Dark Storms (Crankgameplays x Reader)
FanficYoung Ethan Nestor, an infamous outlaw of the west rides alongside Mark Fischbach, Tyler Scheid and Sean McLoughlin. Being the most ruthless outlaw in the west with a cold heartless stare he runs into a old love, (Y/n) Nelson and finds himself in th...