Chapter 5: Regret

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     (Y/n) sat at her desk with her blue marble from back home, she rolled it across the hard wooden surface with her head laying on the rough desk. She eyed the marble as it rolled from one hand to the other. After what had happened today she didn't want to leave her room, her father had told her that he wanted to have a serious conversation with her about it all as well. She couldn't believe he didn't remember who Ethan was.

   "How did you know his name was Ethan?" She must have been so lost in thought that she didn't hear her father walk in.

     "How could you forget him?" She snapped a little back lifting her head from the desk spinning her head around to her father. His arms were crossed as he leaned against the door frame.

     "He is a nobody in my book and a deadbeat low-life that should be executed," he spoke harshly making the girl roll her eyes. Tears were welding up in her eyes at his words.

     "No, he is not a low-life! But what do you care anyway?" (Y/n) looked a little to the side with hurt as tears spilled down her face.

     "Listen, (Y/n), you do not stand up for an out-" he began but she cut him off by standing up and yelling the words instead of calmly speaking them like she should have done in the first place. She was just so angry at her father and just couldn't stand him at this point

     "ETHAN WAS MY BOYFRIEND! I LOVED HIM AND I STILL DO!" The room went quiet with an awkward silence, the only sound that could be heard was her sniffling and shaky breaths. Her father seemed surprised by her outbursts but softened up when he remembered who he was.

     "You still love him don't you? Even after all he has done? He has killed many innocent people! He has stolen many things! He has done so much, yet you protect him.." he shook his head and stood straight moving into the middle of the opening. "You are no daughter of mine." With that he walked out without another word and closed her door.


     The guys had just gotten back to the camp with Jack, Ethan took off his bullet belt that held his bullets securely in place for easy access and fell onto his small homemade bed. Her face, her smile.... the look on her face when she saw him kill someone, the fear in her eyes. He reached up and rubbed his eyes putting his face into his hands with a loud groan. Ethan quickly snapped back to reality when he heard boots walking towards him, he removed his hands to see a worried Jack standing over him.

     "You alright Ethan?" He asked his friend with pure worry in his voice.

     "Yeah, just thinkin' that's all" Ethan sat up allowing him to sit beside him on his small bed.

     "About that girl?" He raised his eyebrow in curiosity, Ethan nodded and looked down at his hands that were now in his lap.

     "She was quite pretty. Ye knew her didn't ye?"

     "Yeah.. well I did. She was a friend of mine from back home, I left her for this life, I left love for this and I don't regret it." Ethan looked up at Jack and gave him a reassuring smile.

     "I left someone behind too, her name was Signe. She was so pretty, gas and just perfect but I left her for this. I regret it all, I just want her back but I know it won't happen." Ethan's smile fell when he said that, he had left someone he cared about too?

     "Do you know where she is?" Jack shook his head sadly at Ethan and looked to his own hands with a sigh.

     "Last I heard she moved somewhere North of the Wood Valley River. Just trust me when I say you will regret leavin' her someday and wish you could go back to her but ye can't get back what you have lost, you of all people should know this by now"

     "Thanks Jack, I needed that." Ethan gave his friend an arm hug with a small pat on the back before he got up and walked off to his own bed. Ethan laid back onto the bed and looked up at the stars that were above him twinkling like small little lights in the sky. He couldn't help but think about her and everything he has done that brought hum to the point of no return. She would never come back now and neither would he.

     "Ethan!" Ethan heard a girl around 14 years old yell to him, she had (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. It was her. She ran into his strong arms as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, she cried softly into his chest. The bandage on his hand looked more recent and less dirty besides blood stains from only moments before.

     "I thought they killed you," she whispered, Ethan pulled her closer into his chest. He could feel her shake from underneath his tight grasp, she was scared. But he had no emotion for some odd reason, he felt emotionless and just cold. On his way over to her just seconds before, he had noticed that his facial expression was just blank, there was no mood in his expression at all, he looked scarred.

     "If they did I wouldn't care anyway, beginners luck right?" Ethan chuckled, it was really a joke for himself not for her. She pushed him back off her a little to get a look at his face, she put her hand on his cheek and rubbed it with her thumb.

     "What has gotten into you? You're actin' strange."

     "What are you talkin' about? I'm still the same," Ethan raised an eyebrow at her words, making her look down at her feet almost nervously or scared.

     "You are just- just not the same," He sighed and put a finger under her chin and lifted her head up and left a gentle yet passionate kiss on her lips. His hands went to her face as hers fell to his waist. After a moment he pulled away and walked off to his horse that was all tacked up and ready to go. Ethan left her there just like he did today. He left her behind without any explanation.

     He opened his eyes quickly and darted them all around realizing it was all just a dream. The man let out a calm sigh before rolling to his side, he missed her and he knew that she missed him. He couldn't see how much he truly missed her until now, Jack was right. He just don't want to bring her into this now. But if he doesn't try then he might lose her forever.

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