Chapter 27: Unfinished Race

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     "You ready?" Ethan asks Tyler with a smirk on his lips, he held onto the reins of his white horse tightly. Tyler hoisted himself onto the horses back and held onto the reins as he gave Ethan a nod. Ethan turned his head to the river that was 180 meters away, his smirk dropped when he realized how far that was and how blurry the water was from him. He could see it just not well, he knew he should have gotten an eye exam years ago, but he never knew he would need to until it had gotten worse. He kicked his heels into the horses side before taking off towatds the water with Tyler following behind. They were racing like they used to before everything went wrong. Signe and (Y/n) stayed behind watching them ride off until they were over the hill where they couldn't see over, the wind blew their hair all around. It has been a little while since they had ran off into the distance and the girls were starting to get worried about them. (Y/n) raised her arm to block the suns light from her eyes so she could see the boys returning when she heard the sound of hooves racing back to them, but what she saw was unnerving Tyler was racing back without Ethan. She threw her arm down and ran to meet the horse that was coming back.

     "Where's Ethan?" (Y/n) asked as Tyler got off his horse and looked between the two girls.

     "I don't know what he is doing, but he told me to ride ahead, Marshall might be here," Tyler looked to Signe "we put you in danger for being here too long, we have to go NOW." The sound of hooves racing towards us caught all our attentions to see Ethan galloping back with his normal serious face.

     "Marshall's men is here, they found us," Ethan stated reaches his hand to (Y/n) helping her onto his horse.

     "You guys go on I will stay behind with Signe to protect her cause I don't think they will go easy on her after what she has done for us," Tyler looked to Signe who looked a little frightened. Ethan didn't want to protest because they didn't have the time, he just nodded and kicked his heels into the side of his horse and rode off North, the opposite way the lawmen were coming from.

     Tyler turned fully to her and put his hands onto her shoulders before speaking up.

     "You go inside, lock the doors." She nodded and ran straight inside locking all the doors and bolting all the windows shut. Tyler stood in front of the door pulling his gun from his holster, he made sure the bullets were all in and ready before looking up to the in coming lawmen. "This is for you Jack..." Tyler whispered just as the lawmen slowed to a halt in front of the man standing his ground.

     "Tyler Scheid, where is the rest of the gang huh? Did they leave you behind?" Marshall questioned Tyler, Tyler began to raise his pistol to aim it at Marshall's head, he was shaking as he tried to aim, he was a bad aim and he knew that. Marshall must have noticed and started to laugh. "We both know you will miss Tyler, we both know that you can't aim worth shit." Tyler had enough and pulled the trigger to miss and hit another guy in the shoulder, he yelled out in pain from the bullet going through his shirt into his rough skin. The man put his hand on his shoulder as blood poured from the wound. Marshall aimed his pistol with one quick motion and pulled the trigger hitting Tyler right in the stomach, he fell to his knees as tears fell from his glistening eyes. He was bleeding out, he tried to put pressure on it with his hand, but realized it was not working out as he thought it would. Marshall climbed off his horse along with Matt and none other than G. G walked up to the bleeding out Tyler who laid on the ground.

     "I tr-trusted y-you how could you betray u-u-us?" Tyler stuttered out as blood flooded from his body onto his clothes and his hand.

     "Because you betrayed me first," G replied before pushing Tyler onto the ground where he continued to bleed out. The three men walked up to the door and began to ram themselves into the door trying to bust the door down.when the door finally fell inside the three men searched for the girl, starting in the kitchen, nothing, living room, nothing, bathroom, nothing and last but not least her room. Signe was sitting in the corner with a knife in hand pointed to the door. The men overran her and grabbed her by her arm and threw her into the middle of the room earning a yelp from her.

     "Signe Hansen, I knew it of all people I knew it would be you," Marshall snarled at the girl who laid on the floor in front of him.

     "Go to hell! You killed Jack! You are just as much of a monster as he was! He didn't deserve it! I hope you burn for killin' them! I hope you burn for hurtin' all of us!" She screamed at Marshall with tears streaming down her cheeks, she was shaking a little as she tried to pull herself up from the wooden planks. "I hope in the end Ethan kills your sick ass for what you did to your daughter and for all the innocent people you-" just before she could say anymore Marshall in the time had pulled out his gun and shot her right square in the head. The shot had echoed for miles and miles. Her eyes were glazed with tears as she laid on the hardwood floor, her hand was spread open to show a small necklace in her palm with a charm that had the words 'I love you' engraved within it.

     "Ethan we have to go back," (Y/n) said making Ethan pulled back on the reins to stop his horse from going any further. "What if Tyler or Signe got hurt? We can't just leave them behind like this!"

      "We can't risk it, we must do what we have to in order to survive this, you should know this by now so lets just keep goin', we need to get to Manzanita post where we will be safe," (Y/n) sighed and looked back to where the house stood in the distance, she wondered if anyone made it out alive, she hoped Signe and Tyler did. She was now heading back to where it all began. Back to where they lost everything.

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