The group had set out a few hours later to head off to the mercer bridge where they would await for the trains arrival. (Y/n) held onto Ethan's waist tightly as she slept peacefully against his back. Mark was leading followed by Tyler Ethan then Jack. Ethan looked back to Jack who had his head hung low as he swayed side to side from the horses movements. Ethan pulled back on the reins and waited for Jack to catch up to him before he started to walk his horse again.
"Are you alright Jacky?" Ethan asked Jack looking occasionally at him as they rode alongside each other. Jack noticed his friend had slowed down to ride with him so he lifted his head to look over at him.
"I'm fine, really I am. I'm just tired that's all," Jack replied looking to the others so he didn't have to see the looks that Ethan was giving him.
"Tired? You don't seem tired though. Tell me whats really wrong Jack ever since last night you have been actin' strange." Jack sighed in defeat, Ethan knew him well enough to know he was not tired and that he was actually thinking about something.
"I miss Signe... I miss serin' her face when I would sneak up to her house. I miss seein' her smile and laugh," Jack replied hangingg his head low once again. He truly missed her and Ethan knew that he did, but didn't realize he missed her this much. "I just don't want to pull her into this because all ends the same way."
"I have (Y/n) here and nothin' has happened to her." Ethan raised his eyebrow at the man in confusion. He knew nothing would happen to (Y/n), he wouldn't let anything happen to her.
"That's not what I meant, she is one of us. Her fate is the same as ours, Signe told me she would help us whenever we needed her help. I told her that it wouldn't end well for her yet she ignored me and said she wanted to help us out even if it goes that far."
Ethan had no words to say, he just looked back at his beloved and sighed in sadness at the thought of something haooening to her.
"If it does go that far Tyler and Mark know where she lives, they were with me when me and her had this discussion so they know where she lives and will take all of you there. Just trust her when ye do get there," Jack said with a small little chuckle as he continued to ride leaving the two into a awkward silence. Ethan bit his lip a little before looking up to see the bridge not that far from their position. He quickly looked to his side at Jack and yelled to him with a smirk.
"RACE YA!" Jack's head shot up as Ethan kicked his horses side causing the horse to run full speed towards the bridge with Jack following closely behind them with a smile on his face. (Y/N) had woken up in the time and tightened her grip on Ethan's waist laughing a bit after she realized what was happening.
"That isn't fair ye got a head start!" Jack shouted to them. The pale horse Ethan was riding jumped over a tree before he reached the tracks.
"Beat that bitch!" Ethan yelled laughing, he pulled back on the reins as Jacks horse jumped iver the tree as well. Jack ran towards Ethan and ripped his hat from his head as he rode passed him slowing down now holding the hat up in the air.
Mark and Tyler soon caught up after a few minutes and stood in place as they watched the whole scene in front of them.
"I win bitch I got your hat!" Jack said laughing as he rode in a circle. Ethan kicked his horses side and raced at him standing on the stirrups before ripping the hat from Jacks hand and sitting back down onto the saddle. He turned the reins to the side to make a U-turn as he put the hat back on.
"That was illegal Ethan! You were standin'!" Jack exclaimed.
"Nothin' is illegal when you are illegal."

Dark Storms (Crankgameplays x Reader)
FanfictionYoung Ethan Nestor, an infamous outlaw of the west rides alongside Mark Fischbach, Tyler Scheid and Sean McLoughlin. Being the most ruthless outlaw in the west with a cold heartless stare he runs into a old love, (Y/n) Nelson and finds himself in th...