Chapter 28: Home

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     Thursday, October 21, 1897

     The last two outlaws left rode through Manzanita Posts dirt roads, every person in sight stopped what they were doing to look at the two who rode in on the pale white horse. A man with black and hair and mustache was hammering up a wanted sign before they came through, he stopped and looked to them like everyone else was. (Y/n) had her arms wrapped around Ethan's waist and tightened them when she noticed everyone staring at them. She leaned her chin on Ethan's shoulder and whispered lightly into his ear, her voice was fairly shaky as she did.

     "Ethan... everyone is starin' at us, I don't like this..." Ethan continued down the rod not even looking at her to reassure her, he just kept riding along.

     "You have a lot of nerve comin' back here Ethan!" A girl shouted from the sides of the road, Ethan turned to see their old friend Kathryn. Ethan lowered his head and sighed lettin' go of the rein to look at his bandaged hand before he continued passed her not even taking another glance to her. The church was coming into view now to show a man with white hair, he was in all black, his features showed he wasn't happy and he was an older man not a young man with no mind, he looked wiser. As the man got closer by every step the horse took Ethan slowed to a halt in front of the man.

     "Father Anderson, it has been a long time..." Ethan said (Y/n)'s eyes widened when she heard the name, it was the old preacher from the church. He was close to both her and Ethan when they were little kids, he wanted us to be safe and happy, but now look at us.

     "Ethan... I should have known you would come ridin' back here with death ridin' along behind you," Father Anderson spoke as Ethan climbed off his horse and stood in front of the man who stood way taller than him. "Why have you returned, you don't belong in this church for all the sins you have made, the Lord will never accept you back into this church."

     "No, but you will. Father Anderson, please I need your guidance I know I have done you and this church wrong, but I need help," Ethan begged the preacher, the preacher looked between him and the girl still on the horse. He took a deep breath and smiled before pulling Ethan into a tight hug.

     "I'm glad you found yourself after all these years. You have never asked me for any help my boy in so long and I am willin' to help my long lost son out." The preacher looked to the horse releasing Ethan from the hug and walked up to the pale white horse.

     "Death..." the preacher whispered as he reached out to touch the horses nose, he ran his fingers along its head looking into its eyes. Blood, tears and screaming were being played in its eyes. The preachers eyes widened as he backed away from the horse and looked to Ethan who stood there looking at his old friend, literally. The preacher looked up to the girl sitting on the horse and gave her a smile before holding out a hand helping her down from the horse back. He gave her a tight hug as well. "(Y/n) it has been a long while my child, I have missed you both since the incident."

     "I have missed you too Father Anderson," she replied before he patted her shoulder and looked to Ethan.

     "Lets go inside I will make us all some coffee and we can catch up," the preacher said as he let go of the girl and walked inside of the church,

     "I forgot how cold it was here, but it is good to be back," (Y/n) commented before following after the man. Ethan stood there for a moment watching her run off before he turned and looked to his horse, its black abyss in its eyes matched with Ethan's brown cold ones. Ethan sighed and let the connection break before he walked up the stairs. Ir was cold out and snow was falling like it always had done even if it was June.

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